I think I have a short attention span. Any ideas on what I should do?
(seriously, lol)
I think I have a short attention span. Any ideas on what I should do?
(seriously, lol)
Start reading and stop watching tv, play videogames with alot of story in order to keep you captivated, also work out a bit. just do things that require alot of focus for long periods of time. it will help boost your focus (or at least it has for me) and if your not a fan of videogames find something that will help. hope all of this helps you.
I’m kind of obsessed with video games. XD There’s where my attention span interferes again. I’ll play until I beat a boss, then I stop playing for a very long time, then after that long period of time I’ll play again and repeat that.
Now when it comes to reading, I usually just keep reading and reading until something forces me to stop (tired-ness, dinner, etc.) Problem is I rarely read books anymore as, well, I’m the type of person who reads series rather than just a book. Like with Cirque Du Freak, Harry Potter, etc. (can’t wait until Harry Potter comes out soon) I’m looking for another series now but I haven’t found the right one. So basically, reading I usually can keep focused on.
This is going to sound a bit embarrassing, but I don’t know how to do an appropriate workout routine.
If you’re going to try exercise to improve your attention span, I suggest checking out the following website.
Nik92 don’t worry man alot of people don’t know an approprite work out routine. really all you need to do is work out. as for series have you tried the Dune series?
What’s it about?
Have you tried reading the lord of the rings?
It isn’t really a serie (though the lord of the rings book is really 3 books). But theres plenty of books in the same “world”, silmarillion, the hobbit, the adventures of Tom Bombadil and such.
The Dune Series… My favorite series.
The series have economical, political, and religious themes among others. It deals with a man seen as a god by his people, and hates the religion built around him. It deals with a feudal society where the most important resource is a drug that heightens mental awareness. It deals with the harsh, unforgiving planet, Dune, and the people who live there and the effects its has on them. It deals with the Fremen, ferocious fighters who are the strongest in the universe because of their harsh upbringing in Dune. It deals with their society where survival is everything. It deals with a universe where thinking machines are completely banned and, consequently, where progress goes through ‘human’ development as mental computers, navigators, fighters, etc. as opposed through technological advancements. It deals with the politics of a feudal empire. It deals with the horrors of knowing the future.
It deals with a lot of things, really.
Hmm, I’m going to see if that book is in the library. Sounds interesting.
Yeah, I’ll check it out, too. I wonder if any libraries in my city have books on LD.
Grab some ADD meds, or get hooked on some game. lol
I did not know that having a short attention span (or being hyperactive, for that matter) was a disorder that has to be treated with medicines until I discovered the internet.
Oh PL, nowadays everything has to be treated with medicines. At least, that’s what Big Pharma says, and they wouldn’t lie, right?
Original Poster- One word. Meditation.
Don’t listen to people giving you advice. Short attention spans are AWESOME!