Short LDs, self-fulfilling prophecy?

Recently I cant seem to stay in LDs for more than 30 secs and was wondering if it could just be a self-fulfilling prochecy. I mean being in a state where you think youll wake up in the next few secs may trigger me to actually wake up that fast. Do you think this could potencially be my problem?

Yes, there are a lot of situations where this can be true. When something negitive happens, like wakeing up after only 30sec’s in an LD, and you start thinking “man I hope that I don’t wake up after 30 sec’s in my next LD”. Then it happens again, then a third time, and bam! you have it in your head that you will wake up after 30 sec’s in every LD.
That said, it could also be something else. Have you started doing anything new in your LD’s? Made a new list of things to do, so that every time you get lucid you start thinking, OK what is next on my list, can I get that done befor I wake up… This could also incress your excitement causing you to wake up.
In the first case, you could just try to focus on getting the most out of the 30 sec’s and accept it. Then it will go away after a while. “You have to let go of the worry that it will end by focusing on someting else”.
In the second case, you could just keep working on it, and with time the excitment should lessen, or you could slow down with your list of things to do etc.
Hope this helps.

Well I cant say Im doing anything new, only a few lucid dreams have exceeded 30 secs so its just something that happens all the time from the start.

It happened to me too some months ago. During one month, I could just have 30 seconds LD’s, it was appaling. Then it disappeared like it went. :eh:

This is not anything to stress over. It happens to lots of people when they first start to lucid dream.

Remember when you first started to walk? You took a few steps than bam you fell on your can. ( ok so noone remembers when they first started to walk, but watch a baby learning and you will get the point)

Remember when you first started to ride a bike. You could only make it so far before falling. But the more you practiced the better you got. It is the same thing with lucid dreaming. You are learning some new that is unlike anything else you have experienced before. The more lucid dreams you have the better and longer they will get.

Next time you become lucid try to slow things down a bit. I bet that when you become lucid you try and rush things because you are afraid you are going to wake up any second. That will wake you up quick. Before you do anything try and stabilize things with a prolonging technique.

Another option is just go with the flow of the dream (reminding yourself that you are dreaming as you go) until you feel that the dream is stable. I used this one myself not too long ago when my lucid dreams were getting cut short.

Milod, when you say go with the flow, what exactly do you mean. It seems when your lucid you gain back free will so anything you do would just go with your own flow. Do you mean try not to fly to some distant place, just walk around and see what the current dreamscape has to offer?