curious,i don’t love writing out my entire dreams when i this morning i came up with the idea of just writing everything that really sticks
and i feel if i write down enough details the dream will come back to me.for instance “I walk over to the red house and open the green door,and look at the wooden chair at the old man” i wopuld write “REd house,green door,wood chair old man” does this work i feel writing down just a lot of descriptions is faster and i write more descriptions is’nt the description stuff the most important anyway?just curuious as to wether or not this works.
i’ve been flitting of and on this lucid dreaming thing for a while i never get results so i give up.but i’m back on the lucid dreaming trail and hoping i get it this time.
thats wut i usually do cus just seeing the few important parts you remember the whole dream, well i do. I dont think it would make any difference as long as u remember the dream. It hasnt held me back any i have had 1 since i started already
No, that wouldn’t help, because after waking up from the dream, you will remember less and less of the dream, and even if you remember the main story, you will have forgotten many details in the hours after waking up. If you don’t believe me, try writing down a full dream story after awakening (for one time’s sake). Then read it over in the evening the same day, and see how many details you wouldn’t remember if you just wrote the main points.
that,s a good idea.i’ll try that and see what happens.
Well, I just don’t have the patience to wait and write it all out. What works for me (even well before I knew about LDing) is to write/draw out the dream- for instance if I went from A to B with 5 people, I would draw “A” enough to recognize it, a line to “B” five and what ever else happened. The more detailed, the better. That way it’s easier to get the flow of the dream.
Of course, I’m in the middle of writing all my dreams out in a dream diary, and these drawings help out a lot. I think it’s effectiveness depends on the person (I love to draw anyway ).
The only trouble is that sometimes you don’t fully understand what in the world you drew