Simple way to get Lucid

Can you tell me some methods to get Lucid. I read the homepage and How Chapters on this site but i found only one method. Can you tell me some or is it wroted somewhere here where i dont know.

What you have found is keeping a dream diary and performing reality checks.This is so far one of best methods and definately best if it comes to simplicity .Stay with it for few weeks to see how you go before jumping to different ones cuz if it turns out this one works you wont be sorry you dont know any other.Just because its simplicity and universality(is there such word in english?:slight_smile:
If its not enough just check “Big WILD topic”-thats the second method.
By browsing the forums you will find more different techs but 99% of them bases on above two.
good luck

The first thing you need before getting started with LDs is to have a good dream recall.
If you can remember at least 1 dream a night then you can start with LD practice.
If not then first practice this before going any further. Because if you can’t remember your dreams, how could you know if you had a LD?
To improve your dream recall, the best thing you can do is to keep a dream journal where you write everything you remember from the last night.
When you’re going to sleep, say to yourself you WILL remember your dreams. Really have the intention that you’ll remember it. Also say to yourself that the first thing which will come up in your mind after awakening is “what did I just dreamed?”.
So the moment you wake up, try to stay as still as possible. Close your eyes and let your thought go back as far as you can go. If you remember a detail from a dream, try to rebuild this dream based upon the few details you have. In time your dream recall will definitely improve if you hold on to this method.
Something else you can try to get a better dream recall is ofcourse to take vitamin B6 :smile:

If you have a nice recall, you’re ready to LDing. Some links to topics about LD induction techniques:
The best method for beginners is doing reality checks. You can find part II of the big thread about RCs here:

Another good method is MILD. It’s all explained here:

Other techniques are WBTB and Suneye. You’ll find the various topics about them if use the “search” function.
Good luck with it! :smile: