sleep debt?

ok right now im just wondering weather i sleep differently from the rest of the human race because everyone on here seems to wake up spontaneously 3-4 times a night to remember their dreams etc. Ive always just fallen asleep at night and woken up in the mourning, remembering only the dream i had last in the night. This limits my attempts at LDing as i only have one chance a night. Do i just have a permanent sleep debt or does everyone else use alarms or something?

Well, i usually go to pee after 3 hours of sleeping :tongue:

And as the morning approaches i wake up time after time, unless i’m very tired.

But yeah, if your sleep is so deep, then alarm clock with WBTB is the best option IMO.

Well, i sleep all night if i don’t set the intention to wake up after my dreams…
so you must put some effort in it (say to yourself you want to wake up in the night).
and maybe if you’re not sleeping enough it prevents you from waking up.