Sleeping at school

When I first get to school and sit down I listen to what the teacher has to say and when he says get to work I usually go to sleep because im too tired to work and do the work at home. I put my head down on my arms and close my eyes and I go into this state where I can move my legs and arms around without really moving them around. after a few days of this I decided to try to take it farther and see how much I could move my dream body. I could move them around so freely and tried to stand up and I was slowly doing it because I felt that I was trying to lift my real body as I was lifting my dream body. I got halfway and I saw a thing that said “LOADING” and below it was a bar that was half filled. Then I awoke suddenly and violently and scared the people around me. Nobody asked me about it and i guess they assumed I was on drugs. I find sleeping in class to be much more fun than having a LD even if I dont accomplish anything special. I get to listen to people talk about what happened on the week end and have it turn into one of those dreams where you just watch whats happening. The deeper I slip into this state, the more their words get changed and become something completely different. I remember seeing a keyboard one time and started typing on it with my dream hands knowing that I was in this state but I honestly believed that there was a keyboard there. If i think that someone is trying to tape one of those “kick me” signs on my back I feel it like its really happening and I have to check every time cause it gets more real every time. I thought that someone was throwing paper balls at me and i felt them hitting my head and I opened my eyes and saw one land on the desk and then dissapear which was a little wierd but it was probably the datura seeds I took the day before. It turns out someone was throwing paper balls at me. Sometimes ill sleep in other classes when im not tired so I can explore this half asleep state even more. but the teachers usually tell me to wake up and do some work. Some teachers ask me why im always sleeping and I dont know what to tell them. Telling them the real reason might make them think im crazy and then they will tell my parents that I need help etc cause at my school if you are the only one who does something differently there must be something wrong with you. I usually say that I was up all night doing homework or some bs like that. I want to know how this all works, its like im always drifting off but never falling asleep. It could be the combination of me sitting in a chair and people talking that does this.

Does anybody else experience this while sleeping in class?
If you are going to try this please post your results but dont do it if it will drive you toward failure at school.

I’ve never experinceed, as I’ve never fallen asleep in class (though, admitidly, not from lack of trying).

lol :smile:

Perhaps you are basically achieving (well, nearly?) a WILD?

ya its a wild. ive noticed that when in school, im the sleepyest in my entire life. its a place where you can be desperately tired because of the morning, and you have to stay awake, sitting up, and brain active.

this gets me and others in a state of extreme tiredness, making it more than easy for your body to take advantage of the smallest chances to sleep. though, because not much time goes by, its not powerful enough to knock you out.

this has happend to me in many cases, and just like you, when i wake up, sometimes its in a huge jerk of my body. if people were watching, theyd be freaked out why i sat up at like 200 miles per hour.

I know of this extreme tiredness (as I’m in school :tongue:), but haven’t had this extreme tiredness in school while knowing about LDs (as I bring coffee to school nowadays). This is probably a way to WILD, as you have been up for say 30-60 minutes when you get to school, this is much like WBTB and the sleep deprivation techniqe.

On another note, because of this I fell asleep at the dentist when I was to pull 2 teeth out.

Sounds like a out of body experience. Or a WILD. That seems like it would be hard to do in a sitting position.

I like to sleep, especially on the boring lessons (biology in my case), sometimes I’m even dreaming, but I never remember it.
WILD? As I don’t have much time, it’d be good to try at school :happy:

I guess. It would be pretty hard to keep the mind clear though. I slept a lot while I wan in high school. Now that I am in college I just sleep at home instead of going to class. My bed begs me to just stay home and sleep in it, I swear.

Anyways, if you are able to do it, sounds good. It would be funny if you heard your teacher talking to you, but you couldn’t move because you were in sleep paralysis.

I’ve fallen asleep during lessons a few times…The last time it happened, we had a discussion about something (boring, apparently… ), and when I woke up I realized I had only slept for some seconds, but it had felt much longer, it had already developed to a story. I knew I had only slept some seconds because they were still talking about the same thing. (perhaps that is soemthign usual, but I thought it was a bit special) It was like every word was a whole sentence… It’s quite cool how you distort the words and make it to something really wierd, when they’re sitting there around you being really serious…:content: I’ve never been able do WILD from there though…

But, I agree with you, there’s something about classrooms that make you fall asleep hm. I also think hearing people you know, and that you feel comfortable and safe being with, has a somewhat drowsy effect. Could be something from childhood.

I love falling asleep in class and dreaming. A good way to pass a boring class (pass it time wise, not neccessarily grade wise :tongue: ). It’s great fun to dream when you know you should be doing work, though I do find it difficult to WILD due to the uncomfortable position and the annoying talking.

You should bring a pillow to sit on and the tell the teacher to shut up so that you can sleep :tongue:

Once in gradeschool I threw a chair at a guy for disturbing my sleep.
I was totally down in the gutters that day, and they had no cola (caffeine) in the cafeteria that day and he had been teasing me for one hour so it was almost justified. Nowadays I practically don’t use violence even for jokes. A bit OT perhaps, but fun info nontheless.