Sleeping odd.

Ever since I’ve heard of LD, I’ve sleept very odd. I wake up about two to three times every night. Not for a long time but just long enough to registrer my dreams in my head.
so I remember about three or more dreams / night. The odd thing is that I’m more alert and I’m not as drowsy as I used to be before now that I know about LD’ing, have anyone of you had the same experience?

Well, after I began practising my DR, I’ve woken up in the night to remember my dreams. Doesn’t happen that often though.

More awake and alert? Not in my case.

Since i started to LD regularly i have begun to wake myself up during te night once or twice to record my dreams and do a short MILD, which for me is very effective.

Ok…I’m working hard on my RC’s because I can’t remember to question reality in dreams yet, but I’ve just learned about LD so maybe it’ll work out soon.
Im going to buy a notebook today so I can keep it as my special dream journal…I hope I can find out some good dream sign soon so I can recall it in my dream…

same thing happened to me when i started with lucid dreaming. your subconscious picks up on your intentions to dream and helps you out by waking you up more often after your dreams. the same thing applies to an overall increase in your alertness. your subconscious mind picks up on a lot more things than you expect, a good example is your internal clock. sometimes just by thinking of a time in the middle of the night, or planning on waking at a certain time… youll find yourself waking up at that time all on your own.

oh, and btw… good idea with the dream journal, its most every dreamer/lucid dreamer’s best friend. sounds like your on the right path, keep it up!

Thanks for comments!
Tonight I’ll have the DJ next to my bed and I hope that I can keep awake long enough to write my dreams down :happy: