I have problems falling asleep (i toss and turn and i can never just let go) so a friend recommended Nytol, a pill that induces sleep containing Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
Now if i take pills to fall asleep will that effect my LD ability?
I have problems falling asleep (i toss and turn and i can never just let go) so a friend recommended Nytol, a pill that induces sleep containing Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
Now if i take pills to fall asleep will that effect my LD ability?
you probably just need to go to sleep later/wake up earlier.
I dont know about Nytol but you should know that most sleeping pills will affect your REM.They just make it shorter and shorter in time as you`re taking pills.
I guess it does not apply to herbal ones and im sure its not true for Melatonin,which btw has a feature to make your dreams more vivid.
If i were you id go for melatonin- half of a 3mg pill crushed under a tongue will put you to sleep in 30 mins.
But as almost anything(except sex:) it will have less and less effect on you the longer you take it.So just try to use ANY pills as rarely as possibile.
good luck:)