Sleepy Hollow...

i recently discovered lucid dreaming and i have been practicing dreamrecall for a month now, i think. i have read about this and everyone says that lucid dreams are very clear and real, so people say that they confuse dreams with reality. but my dreams are very ‘‘foggy’’, they’re not real at all, it’s like looking at the dream from a distance. i think i have had lucid dreams (i have been aware that i’m dreaming, etc.), and my dreams have gotten a little clearer, but still… maybe you could give me some answers or anything… :sad:

My dreams used to be very foggy too in the beginning. But I remembered lots of dreams. Now my dreams seem much more clear and feel a lot more like real life. But I have a hard time remembering them now. But don’t worry your dreams will get more clear with time .
Btw I have been practicing LD for 4 months now.

welcome lonely nightmare :smile:

I have a similar obstacle, sometimes they are very mental, like vivid imagination. Many of my normal dreams are like that. Today’s LD I made quite life-like by increasing lucidity and focusing on one thing. Perhaps a bit of focus on your dream body might also help, like looking at your hands.

I certainly don’t :smile: What do you mean?

I mean people have told me that their lucid dreams are so realistic they don’t know where the real world is sometimes. tough case. i wish my dreams were like that…

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, i get it sleep hollow !!!

sorry, it took me a minute. anyway i have a random question for you, do you wear glasses/contacts ???

i have terrible vision and when i was starting out with LDing sometimes my vision would go blurry because i was like “oh i don’t have my contacts in” and then i had to keep telling myself that i didn’t need my contacts to see, but i think i’ve asked that question before, and people with 20/20 vision have blurry dreams, so maybe that theory doesn’t hold up shrug

anyway, just stick with it, you’ll get past the blurry dreams, sometimes my dreams go blurry when i’m about to wake up or close to it, just give it some time

and welcome to the forum :yinyang:

Well I don’t ware glasses or contacts…hmmm…
Anyway…keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for better dreams :smile:
and a better vision, lol

Thanks for the welcome :content: