
Hey boys and girls,
This morning I was playing around with the snooze button for a little while, found I could get into some cool dreams pretty fast, but whenever I’d get lucid, I’d wake up.
I think 10 minutes is way to short for me to get back to sleep and dreaming… do you think they make clocks with adjustable snooze times? Also, I bet they make clocks with variable alarm noises… I’m a light sleeper, and even with the volume turned down I get woken up abruptly.
Anyway, does anyone else use the snooze button to practice with getting lucid?
Regards, Ian

i’m still trying to get lucid for the first time, but i’ve realized that i have many many dreams durring the couple of times that i hit the snooze button… but i agree, ten minutes really isn’t enough time

I have similar experiences leaving the radio on. Instead of snoozing it. I wake up repeatedly, every couple minutes, remembering part of a dreamlet. After that many hours of sleep I guess the REM cycles starts within minutes.( 9 hours of sleep when I don’t have to go to school) :biggrin: