SO CLOSE! But i lost it :-( please help

Well last night i went to sleep, woke up about 7 hours later and got ready for school…then school got closed. So i surfed around this site to get my mind on LDing, ate some food and went back to sleep focusing on my 3rd eye etc. A little while later i had a short burst of vibrations, a little noise, and started to drift in and out of sleep.

well, i woke up once, and was watching an image that was basically on the back of my eyelids, it was like a forest or something, but i was looking at it through a kalidescope, iduno…anyway, once i realized what was going on, it faded away and i lost it.

Ill skip the next part, it involed me nearly climbing out of my body (ill save it for an OOBE forum is what im saying) .

My dreams proceeded, i had alot of them and FINALLY i said “Wait a minute! Im dreaming!” i didnt do an RC or anything i just KNEW i was in dreamland. It was odd because i was in my upstairs hallway and it looked fine. But being in a dream (This would be my first LD) i decided to fly so i ran a little (My hallway was longer than normal but that was it) and jumped…i didnt fall down! Until i said “Im in a dream that wall wont stop me!” alas, the wall stopped me, i smacked pretty hard, head first into the corner. Well, the dream was about over, i had a little time to contemplate and figured i mightve tried to take it to quickly ro something.

Sorry this was long and rambling, thanks for anything you can tell me. (By the way ive been keeping a dream journal and working at this for several months now)


Congrats on the lucid, my favorite part was when you flew into the wall :grin: . I remember a post around here, I think, that had someone jumping off their balcony trying to fly and falling into a puddle of mud.
Perhaps doing a quick RC to verify and increase your lucidity may have helped you through that wall. Or you think about it all symbolism and the wall is something stopping your lucid journey. . .

Personally I think you just need more practice or hadn’t achieved a high enough state of lucidity to get through the wall. Either way you’ll get it as long as you keep going lucid. :wink:

Haha, yeah i figured it was just too new a concept for my mind (Stuff doesnt do what it should, walls sont matter!), but i was still happy. Even though i think i actually felt pain.

I liked the wall smacking part. Actually, I had a similar experience in my first LD:

I suddenly realised I was dreaming and thought; “hey, I’m dreaming, so I can fly!”. I began running to gain some speed, then jumped as high as a could, and then…smacked onto the concrete below. But it didn’t discourage me enough to try it again. I went for the running jump again and…smacked onto the concrete again… :grin:

Yeah, it didnt discourage me, but it all went black, but i was laughing after i remembered in the morning.