Okay, I’m a newbie here, but something tells me I’ll have a lot of fun
Well, I’ve been wanting to have a Lucid Dream for a while, having tried only 3 days, ive had minimal success.
The first day, i was sort-of chanting to myself “I will not fall asleep” or “I will have a lucid dream”. Conan O’brien was on TV, and it finished just as i was becoming paralyzed, so it took about an hour, and then i started seeing some different flashy colors. My eyes were open so i decided to close them, i was confident i would stay awake by then, and i was right.
So a wave of lime-green color is splashing around in my head, and then blue fireworks went off, and my heart started beating faster and faster. I’m getting excited, “my first lucid dream!” i think to myself, and then remember what i’ve read and try to calm down. So the hynogogic images are starting to set in, and then all of a sudden im playing one of my characters in the videogame City of Heroes. I think “Hey! his health is low, i’ve got to heal him!!” and then say “wait a second…i’m not playing city of heroes…i’m dreaming!”
This happened about twice, i went into 2 dreams without my knowledge, and ended up waking myself up to refrain from falling asleep completely. Up until now really, it never occured to me to stay in the dream. Whatever
The second night,the farthest i got was sleep paralysis and a couple flashes of hypnogogic images.
My Question: Is this how its normally supposed to go? Am i supposed to fall into a dream and then realize it? Or am i supposed to follow what the How - Wild section says?
That’s some awesome progress in such a short time. To answer your question… It doesn’t matter. Your choice! You seem to have a knack for WILD though so stick with that for a while.
Now You might have just been in a Hypnagogic state but it’s still quite good progress.
Congrats on getting so close, so soon, it took me months to have my first intentional LD
Like with all things, I think how you enter the LD state depends on the individual for the most part, but with WILD you generally know as you’re falling asleep…personally I figure if I LD it doesn’t matter?
That really is awesome progress! I’ve been trying to WILD for a while now and I haven’t gotten that far. The only LDs I’ve had are from WBTB. Just keep practicing and you’ll get it.
For one, I don’t practice WILD very often, so I’m no expert at it. It still seems as if you might be making some progress. I’m more of a DILDer, but by the looks of it, you might just have some real luck with WILD, so just keep working at it; don’t give up! You might even manage to have some DILDs before you even WILD, which will turn out to be a bit of an ironic twist.
Now, let me get to the main thing that has compelled me to post in here. I think it should be a rule that any time Conan O’Brien is mentioned that I should come running at any moment. Anyone who has taken a look at my DJ will understand; he shows up in far too many of my dreams, just thanks to the fact that I watch his show nearly every night.
/me points to the tiny link in her signature that is conveniently entitled, “Late Night.”
I’ve named the third part of my DJ “Late Night with BlissfulBlues” for God’s sake!