I read multiple guides on how to lucid dream, but its still kind of confusing for me. Ok, what i have so far is that when im dreaming, i have to konw im in a dream, then after that i think of a way to dream of a way to enter a lucid dream, like a TV with a remote (took this out of a guide) than i get transported there, and when i change the channels it would be a new show, and i just have to think about it and a new channel of the dream i want to enter would be on. And when i find a good dream to enter i just walk into the TV and i am in a lucid dream of that show. Now is that a right way to do it? I am looking for a simple way to do it by the way. If this is wrong or if there is a better way, may someone please correct it or give me another way?
Well. When you know that you are dreaming you are in a lucid dream. You don’t have to enter any other dream. The television can be used to go to another location. I’d say forget about the TV for now and focus on realizing that you are dreaming.
Thanks, but i have had many dreams where i knew i was in a dream, i have them all the time, but i still dont have control over what im doing, acually i usially only know im in a dream in bad dreams, and i usially kill my self in them because i just want to leave them, but hey, killing myself is selfcontrol! YAY! I HAVE LUCID DREAM! lol
i still dont understand how you can controll yourself while your unconcious, but while your unconcious, it does reflect off of every day life
Lol! Now you’ve realized that what you believed to be ND’s were LD’s, you’ll certainly make big progresses in control.
When you realize that you’re dreaming in a bad dream, you don’t have to kill yourself. You can also kill the monster.
If you experience some difficulties in changing the atmosphere of your dream, you perhaps need to enhance your lucidity level. This can be done through many ways: planning during real life an action you want to do in LD’s and doing it as soon as you’re lucid; verbal commands, for instance shouting “Lucid! Lucid! Lucid!” or “Increase lucidity!” or something like that; performing a “physical” RC, like flying, stretching your finger, putting your finger through a wall or your other palm.
Good luck! And yes, congrats on your LD’s!
thank you, and one time i let the monster kill me becuase i was in a dream and i didnt have a weapon, lol. The reason i kill myself in scary dreams is becuase i always do something stupid in them and i just want to leave them. I also heard if you sleep on your back you get bad dreams, is that true? If so i want to becuase i have more luck remembering in scary dreams. Thanks