Some questions (regarding WBTB and WILD mainly)

I ususally lay down to sleep and repeat “ill wake up at 4 remembering my dreams” in my head, it usually work perfect :smile: When i do that i usually go numb and start “seeing” things. Its NOT something seen with the eyes (exept of colored dots) but like a very vivid thought or imagination. What should i do when seeing this ? Concentrate on the 4 o clock thing or just drift off a little ?

THEN its time for me to wake up, write in my dj and go back to sleep. Can this WBTB be hurting my sleep in any way ?

Also, should i set my pc by my bed and surf LD sites when WBTBing in the weekends?

Sorry for a messy post, please :help: :smile:

What you’re discribing as you fall asleep is HI. I’ve had it many times but never gotten a decent LD from it (this is right a bedtime of course). I don’t know what to tell you to do here. I just go to sleep because I need my rest more then I need to try a wake induced LD.

Waking up at 4am to write and try a wbtb could certainly hurt your sleep! I have no idea if it is or not though. Do you awake in the morning still very tired? Is it affecting your day?

Reading about lucid dreaming could help your chances of having an LD, so sure, surf some sites at that time, but you can get up and walk around, if that’s easier then moving your computer!!

It certainly wouldn’t hurt to read about LD, the more you read and think about it the more it is in your mind so the greater the chance that you will have an LD.

WBTB hurting your sleep, It depends on how long you are staying awake, if you wake up and try to WILD for an hour or two that will certainly hurt your sleep. There is also a slight chance that WBTB bed could mess with your sleep cycle but i doubt it unless you are awake for long periods as afore mentioned.

Well if these “things” you are seeing are not actual visible then I would continue with your four o’clock thought.

Ok, Ill continue the 4 o clock thought :smile:

When WBTBing i ususally try MILD, and my pc is easy tommove, its a laptop :wink:

I usually (no matter when i lay to bed or do wbtb) wake up tired. It does slightly affect my day (not muc)