Some questions

Hi all, i’m new here. I’ve been reading alot in the forum and guides before but never made an account. I’ve had two good lucid dreams yet… Anyway

I had a question that I wanted to ask… Dont know if this is the right forum, if it isn’t you can move it and tell me which is the right forum.

When i was little i had very hard problems getting out of bed. It was like this;
It was like i was keep falling into sleep and dreaming… I remember i always though i walked out of the door then i realised “darn, im still in bed…” then it happend again, i though i walked out of the door then i realised i was still in bed.
I dont get this anymore but i remember how frustrating it was when I had it…

Anyway here’s the question. What was that? Did I fall to sleep then lucid-dreamed that i got out of the door? It felt real when i was walking out the door like in a dream… Not just fantasy…

Hope you can answer my question and that i put it in the right forum-part :happy:

Welcome to LD4all Poppp :content:

It certainly looks like a dream. The way you describe it looks like you’re realising you’re dreaming (since you say that in your dream you still realised you were in your bed) Thus making it a lucid dream where you walked out of the door. :smile:

Hehe thanks :content:

Sorry if I described bad, but i didn’t realise i was dreaming when i walked out the door, thats why i was getting angry when i found out i was still in bed…

I wanted to get up, and i though i really was getting up and walking out the door then i woke up or something, and found it that i was still in bed. This reapeated itself 4-5 times i remember, then i finally got out of bed in RL :content: (The whole thing reapeted every day i needed to get up early)

Thats why i ask… It isn’t a lucid dream because i didn’t realise that i was dreaming until i woke up right?
But in the dream i walked out of the door and it felt like it was me who decided where to go…

Dreams can feel real.
What you describe sounds like false awakenings.

This happened to me a lot when I was younger too. It was usually preceeded with Mom telling me to hurry and get up since we had school to get to. I would agree but still feel incredibly tired and set my mind to getting up. I believe it was this mind set that allowed me to go into a FA as soon as I fell back asleep. Mine happened no more than two or three times in a row though.

Yup :smile: If a dream would be a lucid dream when you realise it is a dream when you wake up, wouldn’t every dream be a lucid dream then? So it was a normal dream, perhaps a FA (False Awakening). Since I assume that you woke up in your dream to go out the door all the time.

(It makes more sense that you got angry now. I first thought that was because you had to get up (to go to school?))

Ok, thanks all :smile:

Guess it was a FA.