I have had much success after making up my own little method to chose your dream place, and what you are going to do. So somebody else please try this and tell me if you are getting good results too. I know that some of this can be used to have a LD, but see if you go to the place you wanted to. Here is what I do:
(First of all chose a place and activity you want to do.) I will use the example of wanting to play soccer in my backyard.
-While being ready to go to sleep set your alarm to 2 hours before you plan on waking up.
-Sit up in bed, and for 5 minutes repeat over and over to yourself, “I am going to dream, I am in a dream, I am aware of my dream.”
-After the 5 minutes is up you can get in sleeping position, and then repeat to yourself until falling asleep, “Soccer in backyard, soccer in backyard, soccer in backyard, I’m dreaming.”
-When you wake up you can get up for a minute or two and then go back to bed. Get in sleeping position and say to yourself for 2 or 3 minutes, “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming, soccer in backyard.”
Of course parts of this were taken from the website, the line about going to dream, and being aware, etc. But try this all for each instruction and tell me what happens. What happened for me was, as soon as I found myself in the place I chose to go to, I knew I was dreaming.
This is actually WBTB with MILD and setting you intention on what you want to do. Great method, works for me aswell. I got 2 short LD’s last night with this method with some stupid FA’s… anyway, i would recommend staying up a bit longer after u wake up, like 15 to 30 mins, untill you feel realy awake enough (seems to help a lot).
hey if you keep writing that in a dream eventually you’ll get the point, right? i’ve been having the craziest dreams lately and I’m striving to improve recall instead of LDing for now, so I can’t try for a while.
That techique got me my first lucidity moment but hasn’t worked since then. I did it with WBTB and MILD and then started writing I am Lucid. AM I Dreaming ? on a piece of paper
I don’t think anyone is getting my point. If you influence your dreams so that you dream that you are writing “I am Lucid Dreaming” on a piece of paper, eventually you will read what you are writing and figure out that you’re dreaming. I think…
Yeah I’ll try that soon. I almost got lucid my last dream because I kept repeating “I’m going to dream, I’m in a dream, I’m aware of my dream.” And in my dream I was actually saying all this stuff about lucid dreams, and having nightmares and stuff. This means I was close to lucidity right?