nowadays i try my best to recall the dream i had and keep the dream journal with me… i was wondering, every night when i wake up, a few moment later, i have something that pops in my mind which has never happened before in my life, could that be the dream i just had?
Excuse me if I feel so surprised… but don’t you know what is dreaming? Or didn’t I understand your question?
If it feels like it actually happened to you, but you know it really didn’t, then it was probably a dream
What he probably meant was, sometimes its hard to tell if what you think was really a dream you just saw, or something you just came up with and mistakenly decided that it was your dream, when in fact you cant remember the actual dream.
For example today, i woke up, and a memory of a dream came to me, but i got confused if i just saw that dream, or it was some dream i had in the past…i thought about it for 10 minutes, then just wrote it down anyway…
I sometimes wake up and start to think, that the dream was connected with something what happened in the past. But suddenly I realize, that nothing like this ever happened Maybe that’s what Cluster meant.
Yes, you didn’t. He does know what dreaming is, but he doesn’t know how to really remember them.
It sounds very wicked to me, I always thought it is very natural to remember dreams very much and very often. Otherwise they wouldn’t be such a popular topic. But some people have problems remembering them - which is only healthy, because our mind wants them to disappear out of the memory. So, when you wake up and think “I didn’t dream!” your mind plays a trick on you. If you think further, you realize “oh! Of course, that’s what I dreamed, how come I didn’t remember first?”.
I don’t know about the the thread starter’s problem, sounds like that is your dream memory.
Are you referring to the deja vu feeling? You wake up and you remember a dream but instead of it feeling like a dream it feels like a memory of something that you’ve done before? If so, dont worry at all, almost everyone gets this once in awhile.