SP or different experience?

its been awhile since ive been on here. Last night i thought i would try and get sleep paralysis, so i was lying in my bed i had my breathing controlled nice and relaxed. and i was just watching the colours in my head and every now and then concentrate on the ringing noise because it was quiet. About 20 minutes had past and i started to concentrate on how my body felt and then suddenly some of the muscles in my body started to spasm and it felt like a slight pulsing in my body. I tried to keep calm but i could hear my heart starting to get faster and then it went.

Does anyone know what this is?


Are you practising relaxation for a long time, or are you a beginner ?

If you are, I would say that spasms are common problems. And at first sight, you have been emotive too much : that the reason why your heart get faster.

While relaxing, I noticed the slight pulsations too : they seems not to be related to breathing and heart beat. Are they what is called by the yogi “prana” ( energetic pulsations, perhaps variations of the skin voltage ? :confused: )

C_mon hi :smile:

Nice to see you back here :smile:

The hearbeat rising is your adrenaline going up, its a instinctive behavior and compensation to your sp relaxation practise.
I know that some ppl have that when they relax that at a certain level there heart goes crazy, thats purely adrenaline. Even in dreams u can have it when your heart muscle relaxes to much then to compensate it gives suddenly an adrenaline injection and you wake up with experiencing a schock feeling from your dream.

yes Basilus West prana/chi and skin voltage changing and brain setting changing into lower brain waves.

that was the first time i tried to get SP. the muscle spasms…problem or step closer? it felt like i was losing control of my body and it had a nice feel to it. The pulsing i didn’t feel on my skin it was more of a pulse through my body. Weird stuff, if this isn’t a start to sleep paralysis then it still was a great experience. How often do you get to feel your body like spasm and you feel like your losing control? Ill try again tonight defonitally!


is it close to SP or is it not related my experience?

thnx for any suggestions,
