SP or what..!?

Hello everyone. I’m new here so hello again.

I have a question about my nightly experiences. Almost every night I wake up and my room has changed a lot. Sometimes
there’s a fireplace where my table used to be… Sometimes perhaps someone standing somewhere. They last some seconds and I go back to dream again, or wake up completely. There’s nothing frightening in these hallucinations (in fact I quite like them) but are they somehow related to SP ?



welcome mau,
If you can’t move your muscles you are definately having SP halucinations which are completely normal and nothing to worry about. OR you might be having a false awakening. Always be sure to do a RC when you awake even if you are sure you are awake - you’ll be suprised. Yes I think these halucinations are probably involved with SP, but if your muscles are not parazlysed and you can get up and walk around the room while seeing these halucinations, first do a RC and if your RC works (be sure to do a couple) see someone about these halucinations.