“Autonomic functions”
So i am practiced at recalling dreams after each REM. I remember thorougly without moving. This is useful for on the 3 dream i can become lucid at will. The problem is these “lucid moments” are nothing like the length and depth of a full on lucid dream.
I have had 1 full length lucid dream where time exisited and i hung out for 20~ minutes having lucid fun adventures. Now when i try to “remember that feeling” i am not so exicted that i wake up, but im stuck on some baseless expectation that i must wake up if i realize im dreaming
This is like tacid consent by my subconscious. My intentions are to stay lucid but my mind is for some reason to go from “realize im dreaming” to “conscious switching to awake state” IM not exxcited about it , it just happens without control! like breathing or a heartbeat.
Someone with exprience or a new dreamer wanna help me out? anything i can do to get rid of this auto habit and get back to kinky sex adventure lucid love time?
After more thought on the subject it dawned on me that I used this technique to escape nightmares as a kid. I need help help breaking a self defense mechanism.I cant continue a dream once i realize im dreaming, it falls apart on me instinctively.