hi I’m new and have been trying to acheive lucidity for a while now with one success. i have very good dream recall and keep a journal, but my problem is when i am dreaming, despite having worked with RCs, dreamsigns and taking the ‘lucidity pill’ my brain fails to deal with the dream occurring. what i mean is, if something extraordinarily strange is happening in the dream, let alone consider i might be in a dream, i dont even think its weird - i just go with it. if a pink elephant walked up to me and asked directions i would calmy give them!! this is frustrating becuase i wake up thinking ‘ahh i should have seen that was a dream!! how on earth could i have thought that was normal?’
is there a way to solve this? am i in the wrong state of mind before sleeping e.g. too tired to notice, or not tired enough? any help from people would be great.
(I have looked around here lots but if i’ve posted something already covered or in the wrong place yadda yadda feel free to delete this and call me a loser)
All I can really say is…if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.
This happens to a lot of people, and is only disappeared by practice. However…you might want to try switching your technique on how you are trying to achieve lucidity. If you are doing a MILD, switch to a WILD…if you are doing a WILD, switch to a MILD. Experiment with all the techniques that look like they would work for you. Try each one for at least a week or two before you move on to another.
All it takes is reaching that perfect technique, which in the end will be your very own Holy Grail.
thanks for your reply. i have WILDed for a week and MILDed for a week but am having this feeling that once im in a dream its out of my control and i can’t acknowledge my surroundings. i hear what you’re saying though and i will keep on practicing and keep trying different combinations of techniques.
try conditioning yourself to think about your surroundings. if a friend comes up to you and asks to borrow $5, ask yourself if thats normal. look for dreamsigns IRL. good luck!