It involves staying up for 24 hours, then lying down and listening to the TV attentively to slip into a LD. Has anyone ever tried such a method and what do you think about it either way?
I do not have the luxury of being able to stay up for 24 hours straight and even if I did that would screw up my normal sleep pattern (going to bed and waking up times) so I won’t be trying this method any time soon. Although I did notice one time when I was able to stay up late that staying up past my normal sleep time seemed to put me into the REM stage and dreams faster than normal.
Sure, ill give it a try. Im 15 and its summer so i have pretty much nothing else to do and im willing to try anyting new for LDing. Ive already had 2 but they werent very big ones. But im still trying! But where it says “When your eyes are closed, continue to listen to the TV. You will trancend into an LD.” I keep the T.V. on all the time while im sleeping so im wondering if it would work even if i dont stay up for 24 hours? Ill give both a try sometime this week. I need to get my sleeping shedule ready for it but ill try and let you know whta happens. I hope it works!
I stayed up for 31 hours, went to sleep thinking of nothing but lucid dreams, had a friend do some experiments like speaking to me, all that and nothing.
I would assume it works by causing REM rebound once your brain has taken more deep sleep earlier on to compensate for the lost time, therein causing the time of REM1-3 to add on to REM4-5. This extended time of REM will result in noticably increased visual vividness and possibly a LD.