stopping inner dialogue when doing WILD

previously called “I have a few questions” :moogle:

I did not know about the word lucidness before I found this site. I have bean interested in dreams for a long time, maybe all my life. It is truly nice to sea that there are manny people out there that have this interest. I am new to this forum and I have a bunch of questions. I have written a little presentation in the Gathering forum, but after that I have read some more and I have came to find out that I had a OBE when I was 17 years old. I have also have manny dreams that have bean lucid, but weak lucid, just for a verry short while and I have become afraid and woken up or forgotten that I was dreaming. I have also had sucsess once, with stopping my inner dialoge, I must have read about it in a Castaneda book, but Burroughs, witch is my favorite writer, also touches the subject. I think Castaneda talks about “the stone Indian face” and that is what I felt like, it sounds insane. But it felt like my body was not me? I am also interested in knowing more about the Mayan calender, and the calender that you use here, witch is based on it. I am not verry smart when it comes to math, so I nead a program witch can handle the math for me. I am a red lunar dragon I think. Well thats all for now, I guess I am a typical newbie, witch have had some dreaming experience, and find it verry exciting! Thank you all for this great internet place, I will use a lot in the future!

Best regards


Welcome. What are your questions?

Thanks, my question is about stopping inner dialouge. Is this a techniqe that can/should be used to start a WILD? Anny tips about it would be great, since it is almost impossible. The other question is about the dreamspell calender. I would like to sign my posts with my sign. I would love to learn more about it and maybe also use some kind of software to read my horoscope everyday? I have generally bean verry sceptical to these things, and still am. But I would like to try it, to sea if it can make me understand more about my self and my dreams. Sorry for not being clear in my first post.

Cheers will lead you to a page all about the dreamspell. Any further questions about the dreamspell should be asked in our dreamspell forum.
So this topic can now be used just for the WILD question :smile:

Thanks for cleaning up my messy post Moogle.