Hi. I’ve noticed that I have a strange way of dreaming. I rarely dream in 1st person view, and I’m only in my dreams about half the time. sometimes I die off early in a dream, and don’t come back for the rest of it. Right now I’m sticking to WILD with reality checks, but i think one of the reasons I’m having trouble breaking into dreams is because I always dream in the 3rd person, so I have trouble connecting to my dream self and ditching my body (that things always holding me back any ways
and Since it is 3rd person (especially if I’m not even there) how can I make reality checks work? or even break through the dream barrier? I get to the part where I see some faint signs, then not so faint signs, then something pretty cool and i try to step in and I wake up. It’s getting frustrating. Also, as a quick tack-on to the post, am I supposed to look through my eyes, or look at whatever my mind concocts? Because I alternate between the 2 and have had no luck either way…
and I try listening to that sound in my ears sometimes, and I feel myself drifting away but not far enough to dream. It’s supposed to feel high pitched right? like a ringing sound in your mind, right? it feels so wierd to concentrate on that…
You should be able to WILD without having a dreambody. Just be a point of awareness. Whatever images you see, look at them. Maybe if you just expect to have a body you will. Or try to enter some body. remember, you don’t see with your eyes anyway, you see with your brain. nomatter if youre awake or asleep.
[color=darkblue]I have a similar problem. I think I remember my dreams in 3rd person but actually dream in 1st. There’s no true way of knowing weather you are just remembering it in 3rd or actually dreaming it in 3rd but take this as evidence… Just about every LD I had was 1st person.
Since you are aware at the time, you remember it more vividly and so my tendancy to remember ND’s in 3rd person disapears in LD, where the dream is more vivid. I think vague events are often remembered in 3rd person. The mind fills in the gaps this way.
If you LD, it will be 1st person most likely so don’t worry about it too much. If you practice the techniques here and keep a DJ, you may be suprised how quickly you LD. The journey towards LD can be frustrating but it is rewarding. Don’t let this hold you back. I have heard a few people with similar experiences to this so you are not alone! Just keep practicing and you should get there…[/color]