strange Trance

Once in a while when im doing something i suddenly randomly get in a weird trance. First I start paying no attention to everything and then everything around me seems as though it doesnt exist. Its like the not caring feeling of being drunk ( well kind off… never been drunk before ) . I start to question and i start arguing with myself like in my mind i start saying im asleep … no Im not im dead … wait no… im … its just soo blank… it seems as though everything is just made up and nothing it there . Like there was never anything there.

that’s really neat, not many people get the opportunity to have those kinds of moments.

i don’t know what to say really but keep working with and seeing what it’s about.

when you’re in it try not to think or jduge at all and just see how deep it goes.

is there like a specific name for that trance or what is it all about ?

dissassociative trance.


sounds like being stoned

extreme concentration or extreme distraction:P
that’s a good time to just “think things over”
atlease, that’s if i’m not mistaken in your situation dsystemofadownz

This is a very good opportunity to MILD, alot of times, i will space out and MILD during the day, because its gets it in my brain cycle, and when im going to sleep its easier to do.

If you could learn to do this at will, you could be a WILDing master, work at it, and try making it useful, these kind of things are how you start making your own LD induction methods

yea, i suppose so, but what are you saying? that MILD is just autosuggestion in order to recognise the dream state?

Well kind of, I think i use my MILD more like a WILD at night, but during the day Im keeping the mantra like in the back of my head, so that im always thinking about it.

Its based on the same principles of RCs, the more you do in the day, the more likely you are to do it while you are dreaming. I really dont know any other way to explain it.

ahh, okay
in other words i should either ram a wall every 2 feet or i should say i’ll have a lucid dream every 2 minutes, hmm, tough choice:P

yeah pretty much, be careful though if you choose the wall one, you might get hurt :razz:

hehe, i was just kidding, my RC is the hand RC

I always try and do at least 2 RCs when i do my RCs, because it really sucks when one fails (only happened to me once, now im paranoid) I do 5 fingers, can i see my nose, and i usually add can i breathe through my plugged nose.

oops sorry i guess im kinda getting off topic

Just to put us back on topic, I know what you’re talking about. It’s a strange feeling…different from meditation…:om:

soo what can i have usefull with this state or trance? Has anyone experienced this before ?

dsystemofadownz, you mean, you’re awake, then you have a sudden feeling of “nothingness”, of vacuity of all things?

EXactly I start arguing with myself and im going in my head saying. im dreaming … wait no im not … im just in a classroom … but that cant be …( it feels like i dont exsist )

are your eyes open at the time?

if you want to feel more grounded meditate upon the root chakra when such things happen.

to aide in this you can press your thumbs against your index fingers so as they make a “circle” like you may see people depicted in meditation.

this can be a really good thing it means you aren’t attached to reality and realize the illusory nature of the world. Our brains create reality for us whether it is a dream reality or not doesn’t matter.