Ok, so i just found this website yesterday-evening and i’ve been reading the ins and outs, mostly all the chapters under ‘What’ ‘First’ and ‘How’.
I tried to remind myself of a reality check, and i had no problems doing so.
Furthermore i usually tend to wake up a lot for a few seconds at night.
And since i’ve been reading this site (yesterday-eve) i have woken up at least 5-8 times without even trying. I did a reality check about 5 times, and then i fell asleep, only problem was that i couldn’t really fall asleep fast after waking up.
I’ve always had problems falling asleep, even when i was a little kid, blamed on my bad concentration.
It was very weird that actually woke up so many times and that i even thought about the RC.
My dreams were very vivid, and i can remember most of it, i usually already remember my dreams very good, but this was even better.
Sadly i had no control over my dreams, but i did have a little control. At one moment i wore a shirt that was too tight and it was suffocating me. One way the tight shirt gave me a nice feeling, but i couldn’t breathe nicely, so i decided to get a knife and cut open the shirt.
Before that part i woke up from a dream that was about me riding my Moped (Honda MB5)
And i was just cruising and pulling stunts, at one time i managed to do a wheely (that is impossible on that bike), and i felt that i could take over a little bit, but when i tried to become lucid, i got a moped accident and the lucidity was gone. No memory after the ‘dream-accident’.
Any of you have some tips for me? Since i think i’m sensitive to lucidity?
When i was young i also flew a lot in my dreams, but i got bullied a lot back then, so maybe it was my ‘escape’…
This stuff rules!
I also have some hypnotic mp3-files on getting more lucid dreams, if it’s not around here i can share on the forum if you guys want it.