Strong beginning

Ok, so i just found this website yesterday-evening and i’ve been reading the ins and outs, mostly all the chapters under ‘What’ ‘First’ and ‘How’.

I tried to remind myself of a reality check, and i had no problems doing so.
Furthermore i usually tend to wake up a lot for a few seconds at night.

And since i’ve been reading this site (yesterday-eve) i have woken up at least 5-8 times without even trying. I did a reality check about 5 times, and then i fell asleep, only problem was that i couldn’t really fall asleep fast after waking up.
I’ve always had problems falling asleep, even when i was a little kid, blamed on my bad concentration.

It was very weird that actually woke up so many times and that i even thought about the RC.

My dreams were very vivid, and i can remember most of it, i usually already remember my dreams very good, but this was even better.
Sadly i had no control over my dreams, but i did have a little control. At one moment i wore a shirt that was too tight and it was suffocating me. One way the tight shirt gave me a nice feeling, but i couldn’t breathe nicely, so i decided to get a knife and cut open the shirt.

Before that part i woke up from a dream that was about me riding my Moped (Honda MB5)
And i was just cruising and pulling stunts, at one time i managed to do a wheely (that is impossible on that bike), and i felt that i could take over a little bit, but when i tried to become lucid, i got a moped accident and the lucidity was gone. No memory after the ‘dream-accident’.

Any of you have some tips for me? Since i think i’m sensitive to lucidity?

When i was young i also flew a lot in my dreams, but i got bullied a lot back then, so maybe it was my ‘escape’…

This stuff rules!
I also have some hypnotic mp3-files on getting more lucid dreams, if it’s not around here i can share on the forum if you guys want it.

Bye :tongue:

That definitely confused me. I believe becoming lucid is simply knowing you’re in a dream.

Well, as I’ve heard forgeting that you are dreaming sometimes occurs and it’s normal.
Furthermore, often the dream tries to trick one into thinking that he is not dreaming anymore (false awakenings, etc).

It should be okay, though, I guess…

But you have to keep concentrated right?
And at the accident i lost concentration maybe?

If you know that you are dreaming, you are lucid dreaming. If you are aware that you are dreaming, but you have no control over your dream, it still qualifies as lucid dreaming.
It takes some time for some people, but I think you will have it soon. Good luck!

Could you explain to me how you started off?
I’d like to hear it! :smile:

Yes, once you are aware that you’re dreaming, you have to keep concentrated or else you lose lucidity and the dream transforms again into normal dream. A good tip for staying concentrated in a LD is looking at your hands from time to time. It gives you a sort of lucidity boost. :smile:

I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your question. :shy: Do you ask for how we learn LD’ing? If so, there is a BIG sticky thread about this in the Quest for lucidity forum: “How did you learn to LD?”

Sure. I found this site, read about the techniques, and first tried MILD+WBTB a week later or so. I had a full-blown LD right away. I thought: well that’s easy :smile: , but I had to wait a long time for the second one.

If you don’t give up, you will LD more frequently. Although I’m not a specialist at all, I now sometimes have ‘spontaneous’ LD’s, without doing a technique. It’s great :good:

Right on!

I used to be someone doing a lot of drugs and such, since i quit i need something else to keep me busy with Mind-experiences.

This is all so exciting!
Actually i hope my first LD will be with a sexual fantasy… Last Night i allmost LD’d and then i dreamt that my penis fell off right after looking at my hands.