Last night when I had a lucid dream, and in the past, I found myself struggling to get light in a room… i’d be walking around my house trying to get the lights on because everyone is pitch black. I figure, perhaps my subconcious is just imitating my real life situation where I often awake during the night and asleep during the day - even though last night I was on normal hours (day-awake, night-asleep).
Anyone have suggestions for me if I find myself in the same situation - i’m sure I will be… it’s so annoying and it ruins the LD. Last night was good because I had consistently realized I was dreaming everytime I had faded into the dream - but still only one time out of like 5 was there any light for me to see properly!
You have to will your self “This is a dream! This is my Dream!!, When I open these curtens, it will be daylight!”
When you open them. Let there be light!
Or use a lightswitch
There is an ability known as technokinesis, which is turning on/off electrical devices using the mind. Perhaps you could try this, rather than looking for a light switch, just use your mind and imagination to turn the lights on, you could also use it in combination with the “turn all lights on NOW” command which Hapexamendios suggested.
My only other suggestion would be to teleport. Just close your eyes, imagine a different scenary… somewhere you would like to go like Hawaii or a distant planet, etc. just really visualise it, then open your eyes and you should be there.
I have had some trouble with getting light too. One time I said to my self a few times “light”. Only I said it in swedish, and I saw a vivid image of a candle. The swedish word light and candle are the same, it was a pun.
I recently heard that one of the only few things you can not change is light. It turned out it was true, at least in my dreams. The closest I got to controling light is to shape an object into a candle or a lamp (that’s one of tricks I managed to learn-reshaping objects)