Ever since I’ve started LDing my memory has gotten significantly worse to a point where I have to write things down and I don’t remember half the dreams as I did before.
Now I just want my memory back and my good old dreams.
Oh and what is a good technique to remember dreams? Not including the water technique.
When you talk about memory, do you mean dream recall or also your memory during the waking state?
Hmm… if you mean waking memory that’s very, very odd. I’ll just throw in the mandetory “Have you been taking any illegal drugs?” question, even though I think we’re not supposed to talk about that here but still…
We could rephrase it into “Have you been taking any drugs latly?”
I know I had siginificant memory loss once when I had to take some major pain killers.
Has there been any major change in your life besides LDing?
If there really hasn’t been anything else that you can think about maybe you should stop trying for a while and get your memory back. I just noticed your age and if you’re 13 puberty might have something to do with it. Horomons do whacky things with you.
Either way, to be on the safe side take a break for a week or more to see what happens. If you’re memory continues to stay bad ot it get’s worse go get it checked out. Better be safe then sorry.
Haha, no I’m not on drugs. I mean my memory during the waking state.
I’ve been going through a couple of phases, such as wanting to know everything ( By everything I dont mean people’s social life, I mean like how everything works, how the universe started, basically I want knowledge ) I’ve been in that phase for a couple of weeks until it got to a point where I swear my head was going to explode.
My other phase was (the one im currently in ) is loving everyone…
This isn’t because of LDing right? and just to be sure I’m not Lding for awhile.
I just noticed your age and if you’re 13 puberty might have something to do with it. Horomons do whacky things with you.
So does that mean my recent lucid streak is all from puberty!? darn…
And I’m pretty sure it’s hormones, but we all make mistakes. We’re human (at least in RL)
Here you go
Now most scientist think the universe started with the Big Bang Theory, when the universe was infinitly small and infinitly dense; then a explosion happend making the first element hydrogen. Most scientest still think that other elemets spontaniouly appeared but recent studies have shown that it is possible that stars working as nuclear reactors…
No just kidding, I am also 13 i used to remember my friends names and everyones but this year i am really stupid i can only remember around 8 people So maybe is the age …
ahhhh, hormones…
Yeah well… I’ve been going threw a “forgeting phase” for 14 years!!
When I said “I’m pretty sure it’s hormones”, I meant I thought that’s how it’s spelled, not the cause. Sorry for misinterpretation AGAIN.