
For years they thought I was ADHD, and medication only made me exponentially unbearable. They found that I have a severe sugar intolerance (also known as yeast intolerance or something). I’ve been reading more and more about the effects of refined sugar, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any effects of sugar on dreaming.

Wow, this icon is so balls -->(8@

I don’t think there are any. But if it were to have an effect, I would bet on it making you more likely to be lucid. I don’t know why. Wow you can’t have sugar?! That’s ok- Pringles are good.

Actually, sugar can have an effect on dreaming. Carbohydrates (which include sugar) are used by the brain to produce serotonin, which can prompt vivid dreaming. So, a carb/sugar hit before bed could send you off into dreamland.

But if you are supposed to be avoiding sugar, try dairy instead. Cheese, yogurt, etc. A chemical in dairy, tryptophan, is a precursor to serotonin.

Or, try some 5HTP supplements. Those work wonders for me.