Summer LD Surge

I have noticed that the in month of June I have had a very large increase in the frequency of Lucid dreams compared to the previous months of this year (2006).

I am wondering if the warmer seasons have anything to do wth this, or perhaps my proficiency has simply increased due to effort and motivation?

I usually have 2 or 3 LDs per month when actively trying, but this month I have had 6 so far. If this trend continues, July and August should be fabulous months for Lucid Dreaming!

I suppose for those in school, summer allows more time to sleep late and take naps (assuming they don’t have jobs), but I’m not in school and have been doing the 8am to 5pm routine without any change to my sleeping patterns.

Has anyone else noticed a pattern or trend in the frequency of their own LDs around particular times of the year?

You could be right, i noticed it too. I had some LD’s in summer last year. Later, i stopped having it. I had one again in april and then i stared to interesting in it a bit. Now i have LD’s pretty often. I hadnt aly LD trough winter. Now i cant imagine a month without LD. I was trough that techniques, and my (small for now :razz:) experience helps me. But it may be generally a season. :meh:

Let’s think logically. In summer nights are a lot shorter. Morning it’s more lighty and a lot of peolpe sleeps weaker cause of it. Weakest part of sleeping is REM . In weaker REM (or just when conscience part of brain is more active) its bigger propability of getting lucid by realizing “Hey, its a dream”. Most of LD s are maden by DILD. So you could be right. :smile:

My LDs have decreased dramatically this summer. On the other hand, lucid dreams have a tendency to come around the last week of every month!

I went from five LDs last month down to one so far this month… :sad:

I agree with DeadDuck. Not only do my most vivid dreams (and the ones i can really remember) come in the early morning when it is light, but all of my LDs have come that way. So it getting bright at 6AM (at least where I am) would certaintly help.

Interesting…so it may have more to do with early morning light than the earth’s position in the cosmos :content:

And I have had most of my LDs this year in the FIRST week of the month, not the last.

Maybe this would be a good topic to have setup as a poll?

I try to find a pattern and I didn’t, no seasonal pattern, no lunar pattern, etc.

Then perhaps I have finally broken through a wall as to how frequently I am able to have lucid dreams…

I have now had more LDs this month than all of the first 5 months of 2006 put together. I truly hope July continues this trend. It even has an extra day!

Well I think you get more LDs during the summer and not as much during the school year because your prospective memory is taken up during school. Lets say your brain holds 10 tasks to do, most of those 10 will be concentrated on school/sports/etc. However, if you arn’t doing too much during the summer your mind will focus on LDing because the amount of memory you need is reduced and LDing becomes a greater focus.

I haven’t had any LDs at all since around march, (not that Ive really been trying >_>) but since summer vacation started, Ive beed having very long, vivid dreams when sleeping in really late. Though when I do this on a weekend during anytime of the year, it tends to happen aswell… the fact that I sleep in everyday now may be causing this but it DID start happening recently.

I noticed this last summer, when I got a lot of LDs in June and July. But this year it hasn’t happened. But I haven’t tried very hard either. :razz:

Topic merged cause it’s exactly about the same subject.

I usually have Lucid dreams twice every three months. But during this 10 day period at the beginning of June, I had about 6! And then after that, I stopped having them again. I have no idea why this happened, can anyone help answer this?

sometimes LDs come in waves. One month you can have 15 lucid dreams, the next you can have 1. It’s mostly because of your schedule during the days of those months. If you are stressed, busy, and have little time for entertainment, you are least likely to have LDs. But if you are relaxed, have plenty of free time, yada yada, you will have more LDs.

Summertime usually brings LDs for kids still in school. Usually during that time you are relaxed and have free time…so you are more capable of LDing.

lol, waiting for mine, haha.

I have more time to do the techniques, but when I do them, I can’t fall asleep. I think I’ll have to run a lot once this damn groin pull heals, lol.

thanks for the help, but whats funny is that I was totally stressed out bc off Finals when that happened…I always work the way i’m not supposed too.

I had the exact same experience in June. Very strange indeed. I’m not in school, so I wonder if it has to do with it getting light outside earlier.

it could have been a period where you weren’t thinking about LDs (focused on finals instead) so the pressure to have them disappeared with the result you had a lot of LDs

I’ve noticed that in the end June i’ve got 2 LD’s, while I had no LD previously…
probably because i’ve tranied my skills better in the last two months? :wink:

July has continued my “Summer Surge” of Lucid Dreams. I have already had 5 so far and the month is only half over.

It hasn’t happened with me again, but when i do have lucid dreams there a lot longer, lol.