
This happend one night after stopping lucid dreaming for some years. Any fear within dreams was gone already while practising lucid dreams expect the situation i described in ‘warning in lucid dreams’, which was also not like a fear more than a ‘ok, lets do something else then, if someone doesnt like if I am playing around with…’

anyhow the dream i wnt to tell about was like in an action movie. I was lookink for something in a room and checking all drawers where it was hidden. once i found it (dont ask me about pictures, I just remember feelings) i prepared for a fight because it seemed attacking me. I opened my mounth and tried to shout at it and it attacked me trough my open mouth and jumped into my body. I really could feel it was inside me. more astonished than feared I woke up (real wake up ) and discovered that I was close of falling out of bed still hearing the end of a long loud shout.

since this time, its now some years ago I still can feel this part inside me and it feels like pure energy that is ready to use ( but i have no idea what to use it for…)

Anyhow it helps me in my life to get things done that need a lot of energy.

I just wanted to know what this could be, or if anyone had some similar experience.

thanks a lot.

…astonishing, yes. Hmm i got no clue. i never heard of anything like ths. even though there r many weird things in our world. I never actually had a dream to go wit it (least i cant remember) but i got a feelin inside me of power or sumin special that i dont know wut it is. Anyway maybe give sum examples of like how its helped u.

Hi Trigpoe,

Well it also can be imagination, but then its at least a useful imagination for me, feel of it like a present from someone. I try to explain how it helps:

This “power” is quite useful for any kind of fear, especially in dreams, feels like you are strong that nobody can hurt you.

In real life it helps me to build a house (it takes long and helped me to learn all the things that I needed. Even that it takes long cannot stop me).

Having hikes on mountains that get close to the limit of your energy are easy to handle.

In some situations this power such strong that It seems that my physical power gets doubled.

And sometimes seeing somebody whos sad or sick there is the feeling that I would like to share this energy with them, like motivationg them to find their own source of energy.

I even discoverd thinking about of healing people with this energy, but i have no clue how…

I hope to explain it in an understandable way.

So you say you looked in some drawers for something, and when you found that something you thought it would attack you so you screamed, yet it jumped in your mouth and now you feel it as a form of energy? What did it look like? Were you lucid at the time?

Hi Pilot,

it already was several years ago, but the memory is quite good.
In a room was a case (like the one you have next to your bed) and once I opened the drawer on top it came out
and I inhaled it somehow. It was very quick so I couldn’t imagine how it looked like.
This time I wasn’t lucid, I stopped it a time ago.

I think it could be Chi, or Ki, or Qi. People refer to it with different names but I think its pretty much the same thing. In china they use it heal people.

You can search information on how to use it on the net, maybe look for “chi techniques” etc… and that is if it is chi, im just guessing?..

do you have any idea of where it is stored inside of you?

Thank you for the hint Cyril,

it feels like its in the chest say a hand below where the ribs end.

I’ll try to get some material about chi.

True, in some eastern religions believe that Chi or Kiai originates from a place right below your navel called your “hara”- it’s also your center of gravity. Different kinds of sitting meditation involve focusing awareness on your hara and to breath in a different way- using your muscles for exhalation instead of inhalation like we normally do. It allows the use of those isolated muscles. Westerners breath from their chests and it gets other muslces involved, all the way up to your shoulders. And when martial artists scream they try to use those muslces (hara) to yell. Anyway, long expanation. Maybe you’ve got a new awareness about it and are using it more than you usually do. Maybe try looking into “hara breathing” too.
Peace, Ian