Sureal's Nifty Technique

Being bored (exam revision, boring? Who’d have thought…) I decided to make a quick topic on Sureal’s Nifty Technique ™. I doubt I’m the only one who’s ever thought it up, but there you go…

SNT - I’m too lazy to fully type it out - helps you to maintain and improve lucidity, whilst at the same time increasing the vividness of the surrounding dream world. It also seems to improve the length of the dream.

Did I mention it’s nifty?

It’s quite easy to do, and only takes a few seconds of your precious dream time.

First, pick out an interesting texture near to you. It could be a brick wall, a towel, or anything else you like. Consider how realistic it looks.

Next, touch the texture. Run your hands over it, and consider how realistic it feels.

Now step back, and consider the dream world all around you. Wow, it’s amazing, isn’t it? This entire world, surrounding you, has been constructed by your own brain. Once again, consider how realistic it is.

I’ll usually leave it there, and will then go off and do whatever it is I have decided I wanna do in the dream. Howevere, there is no reason why you couldn’t cary it on, and examine your other senses (smell, sound and taste).

I typically do this at the begining of the lucid dream, and then again when I feel the lucidity or vividness is fading.

Ciao for now.

  • Sureal

That works well for lucid living also.