Say guys, I am just experimenting with some new meditation methods, including Tantra.
These seem to be helping generate more clarity and awareness, also with others.
Anybody know anything about this?
What is it u do precisely?
Dont think many here know or heared from Tantra…
What have u experienced from tantra…
that u did not experience before?
Well awareness of things around you, and about the bodys energy systems.
Mm yes, I understand…
Experiencing it yourself…instead of hearing or reading about it.
Its obvious u have a bondage with awareness…and are curious to find out more…u can feel chi/pranna flow through the whole loop and all chakras? And shifting it from the subconscious to the conscious and back?
Just wondering where u stand
And what your background is…
Yes, I can feel the energy through the extra meridians GV/CV and the main meridians. I am still a little limited to moving ch’i from the conscious to the subconscious. I can move it down quite a few frames of reference.
Even deep sleep, but Im afraid my abilites to do this come and go.
They tend to get better after periods of meditation. Like for instance if I wake up in the morning, meditate, then go back to bed.
Are there any tricks you know of?
I guess I have a background in Daoist Internal martial arts, QiGong/Ch’iKung, and yoga, Dream Yoga, and Dzogchen. With Dzogchen, and Dream Yoga though I have not recieved transmission if that is what you meant.
Mmm nice background PhantomSpectre!
Qikong/chi’Kung, yoga, Dzogchen…
My back ground is Tai Chi Chuan, a little chi’kung, Hsing I, selfhypnosis, Dzogchen…
and my own form of a combination of selfhypnosis and meditation…to something i call trance meditation…i use that in my lds to enter the deep sleep and also used it to get deeper then the deep sleep and stay lucid…there are deeper levels then the deep sleep…
Hmmm tricks? yes there are but maybe u know them already…
I go to bed now, i tell u, if u really want to know…maybe old news maybe not…ok!
I know quite a few tricks, but would appreciate any insight you may have on the subject. Very cool, taijiquan and hsing-i? I like the footbanging from hsing-i. I primarily study pa kua chang (baguazhang).
I like the footbanging in hsing-i though
It seems as though all the great practioners faded into obscurity…
Are we doomed to work on ourselves in obscurity? Like the I Ching is telling me all the time?
This is the second night I have been confonted with this. It is as though someone (maybe my subconscious?) doesnit want more people to learn this stuff. Or maybe some dead sages, God, or who-knows-whatzits.
Or maybe I should let up on the astragalus…
Maybe Im just not on top of things, but when you guys were talking about all the different things that you study, I had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. Except for the yoga, dream yoga which i have heard of before. So if anyone dosn’t mind would you please explain all those fancy words to me?