I have been reading here for a while, and recently I dozed off during a car ride and had an LD, it lasted for all of like 10 seconds but while I was there I saw the end of the Dream World, it was realy neat, like a freaky Sci-Fi Cosmos scene , I am going to try to jump off the world next LD, but if anyone is very experienced, please try it out, I think that it may have some intriguing resuluts, that is if this Idea is not older than earth
end of the dream world sounds interesting, I’m not really to experienced in having LDs but I can only only assume that jumping would 1. Kill your dreamself and wake you up 2. Possibly lead to a OBE 3. lead you to somewhere else.
I had an ND last night and was falling through the Starry Abyss (Myst)
As I expected I landed on Myst Island, so maybe it is number 3(takes you somewhere else), or that is just a result of having a Myst Dream…
thats what I get for reading all three Myst novels in one day (Yay for test days)
I read them all in about a week, but no Myst dreams for me, unfortunately. Which is a shame, because I really want a nice LD set on the island of Myst.
After I read the last Harry Potter book I had a ND where I could use magic and spells. It was cool. I was mad when I woke up though.
Lol! After I read 5th book of Harry Potter in 2 days, I dreamt about me being Harry Potter and I could do stuff. o_0 It was very interesting… I wasn’t very used to the wizard/witch theme in my dreams. Hehe. It gave me something new to experience.
Harry Potter rocks dude!
um I am not sure how you edit, but I am pretty sure in Myst it is not the Starry Abyss but the Starry Expance, I will check, but if anyone knows how t oedit…
You go to your post and on the top right hand side there are two boxes click the edit one, and you can correct your post.
i have tryed many times for myst and riven… all with no dreams about them. i think beause you are a loner in myst and riven but in my dreams afar to many people oh well taht was about a year ago. i will try it again i think thanx.
i too ahve had a few end of the world sory end of the dream world dreams. very cool i love em, but i think i have them when i am angry or somthing big is about to hapen in my life. a big change anyway