when i become lucid my bodey starts to “shiver” (when i say that i mean in the way the bodey can “shiver” when it suddenly get cold, when the hair on your bodey rises, im a swede so thats why i dont know the word for it hehe) but its much more stronger, like ive taken ecstacy (not that ive done that so much, just tried… )
anyone else experiencing something like this, or what feeling do you get?
i havnt had many LDs so thats prob why, i get surprised every time hehe.
most times there is a definant “rushing” feeling for me, like a big rush, from head to toe. and i find that if i’m ever outside, the wind usually picks up and becomes quite violent.
I definately know what you are talking about.
To me there are two ways of becoming lucid.The first one is like I knew I was dreaming all the time anyway.I just decide that moment to take control.This isn’t any strange.
However, when I find out that I am dreaming when I don’t expect it, it feels way stranger.
First I get a feeling, that something is wrong.I hold to the feeling, still not sure, and then I get this strong “shiver”.This is the moment I realize I am really dreaming, my whole reality is breaking down.
The next thing is like being sucked into the dream world.Now my perception changes, things look either unnaturally sharp, or I get black/dark vision.
I often stumble around the first few seconds, unable to get controle over my body probably.That’s the moment I often wake up.
However, soon it is over and I am in lucid dreaming.
The shiver is the coolest feeling ever.It’s so shocking to realize that everything around you is just created by your mind…
i get the same feeling when im watching a very good movie like 13th floor, dark city and such. just in the moment you find out that its not real it feels like the same way, just not so intense. i wonder why the body/mind reacts like this…
hi guys!
what you are describing happens to me only when I wake up from a lucid dream. So, my theory is: that’s simply the “numbing” process (deactivation of bodily functions so that you don’t act out your dreams) only this time you are lucid (conscious) so you can feel it spread!
I’ve experienced this also in the beginning of my first (and last) OBE. So this could mean that OBEs are like dreams,too…
Neat Osfranky! You may have something there. I don’t know the science of it though. I get a rush when I realize I’m dreaming (like when you draw energy into yourself after relaxing) sometimes moreso than others. I wake up feeling much more energized than after a normal night. You felt a rush when you OBE’d? I had my only 2 after waking up (while I was still paralized I assume) but my main feeling was that my body was dizzy, if that makes sense.
If I’m understanding you right, that’s basically the same feeling I get when I realize I’m lucid. The best way I can describe it is the feeling I have after I’ve gotten scared and the shock is wearing off. It feels like little pins and needles and something is subsiding. Pretty strange.
My head always tingles when I fly in LD’s
sometimes ill feel a quick little shiver and sumtimes i jus feel normal but excited
For me I have this feeling like I’ve won my own little victory.I have even remembered saying “I won this time” to a DC right before waking up.For me my mind seems to try so hard at not letting go of me just having an unaware dream experience every night so when I finally have an LD(and it’s one where I didn’t wake up immediately) then I really do think I’ve won something precious.
The first time I became lucid I felt vibrations all over my body. A few seconds later those vibrations became violent as if someone was trying to pull me out of my body. It freaked me out and so I told myself to wake up and I did. It made me stop wanting to have LD’s for a week.