The LD is ending without you want it to?


I dream LDs, not that much, but lately their frequency has been increased. My major problem with them is that they don’t seem to less more then couple of seconds (at least from the moment when I’m realizing it’s a dream).

And I know why:
The thing that seem to cause me to wake up is actually the tought of myself in bed, in the RL. I’ve practiced a lot, but it’s quite impossible for me not to think of that - it’s the first thing that comed in my head when I realize I’m dreaming, even tough I don’t want to wake up. I keep and promising myself that the first think I’ll do in my next LD is to command no to wake up or something, but I just can’t do it.

Any advice what do? Or any clue why the toughts about reality are beeing as a cause to waking up? Is it like an emergency button? And if so - can it be changed?

I know what you mean because I’ve also had this problem for quite a while. It’s no use of forcing it by commanding things like “not waking up” while you actually don’t believe it. The problem is that once it has happened a few times, it gets fixed inside your head very firmly, so every other time, you’ll automatically make an association with previous events and you almost expect the same things to happen this and every other time. It doesn’t help by not wishing it. The only real remedy imo is first to believe and then to know that it won’t happen again, that your LDs won’t end prematurely and that you won’t have to fear for another bad ending. This cannot be done in one time and takes some practice. In my case for instance, I used autosuggestion to convince myself that I was able to keep with the dream as long as I wished. It might also help to stabilize the dream enough before doing anything else, by for instance rubbing your hands or looking at them.
In general I think this problem will disappear with more experience.

Good luck :smile:

I find this subject, KNOWING (if I might call it that way), very intresting. My approach to life basically rely on this one and extremly complex-but-simple thing - The Knowing, or alternatively, To Believe. Why basically? Because I truely believe that once I fully believe and know a thing - it will exist, but the problem is that things in my life don’t work this way, at least not all the time. So yes, it’s not that a lucid-related issue, but it is a topic that relate to everything, to our whole existance, and eventually and probably to our dreaming, rather lucid or not.
I won’t deny it - I find these life very colorful, emotional and pleasentful thing (you might even say gift), but still, I’m finding myself spending a lot of time on thinking how can I finally find this longed gor key for UNDERSTANDING.
To make things clearer - I say once you truely believe you can do something, you actually will be able to do it. The power of controling everything is in the concept of beliefe. Aye, it is sound that simple, I mean, just believing and click, that’s it. Like pressing a button? Maybe. But where is this button can be found? How do I reach there? What is require to press it? Or you know what - Is this button really exist or this universe and existance are all just a long and exhausting kind of a lucid dream?

So many question, and yet no answers. Maybe the best place to seek for answers is the dreams themselfes.

Well, I guess too much has already been said for one post. Share your toughts, and meybe we will unify together new ideas, aproaches and concept that will help us understand our surroundings, and by this, we can surely improve and make progress within our world of lucid dreaming.


Try to stare at your hands from time to time in your LD’s. It’s a prolonging technique. It will perhaps work for you.

thanks, i tried that once, worked out pretty good.