any posts in this topic means you will have Lds, or more frequent Lds.
As soon as you post your commanding your mind to accept and obey the rules of this topic.
You post you LD
As long as your post exists and is confirmed you will LD.
I’m very very pumped right now for lucid dreaming and i intend to keep this state of mind by making this topic, which by posting in i agree to forcing my mind to LDing as much as possible!
My goal is to have 45 LDs before October.
By signing this statment, I will have 45 LDs before October
There are no excuses for me not to have this small goal acomplished. I do this with no fear, or doubt in my mind.
Just a reminder to myself… I signed up for 45 LDs before October, I now have three in July. I WILL NOT FAIL.
You people should try this…JUST GET FUCKING PUMPED!!!
I, Wolf Sites, sign my mind’s signature on the following contract.
I will have at least 1 LD a week for the next month. If my mind fails to follow through with this rule, it will be punished by having my body do 10 push ups for each week without an LD. Two weeks without an LD means 20 push ups.
I will have at least 1 lucid dream before the end of this month. I will recall at least one dream every night. I will sleep no more than 9 hours a day.
If these conditions aren’t met, then I agree to be punished with alcohol/drugs or something
By signing this contract, I, Kashmir, hereby agree to the following terms:
A. I agree to have one lucid dream by next Thursday,
B. I agree to have no less than one lucid dream per week after
the said Thursday, and
C. I agree to commit to working on DR and LD’ing indefinitely.
If I, Kashmir, fail to fulfill any of these requirements, I will be disciplined in one (1) of the following ways:
By going to bed no later than ten o’ clock (10:00 pm) each
night for three nights,
By barring access to the pantry after ten o’ clock (10:00
pm) each night for one week (seven (7) days), or
By commiting myself to one (1) full day of doing summer
homework ( ).
This contract is permanent, and non-negotiable. Copyright 2005 LD4all inc. All rights reserved (except one).
Sign here
Initial here
Date here
Due to failing of the previous contract, herby I, Fadem, will announce that the body will no longer masturbate if I Don’t LD.
I will only masturbate after I have had an LD. If I don’t get an LD I wont Masturbate anymore!
If this contract is broken by me, masturbating anyways, I will have to perform 500 push-ups each time.
15th of july 2005
Contract with:
Sadly, I regret I made that contract now already. What on earth was I thinking. I could ,at most, keep that up for 5 days >_>. Well, Gotta try my best now ^^"
Good luck with staying “master of your domain”, Fadem… (sorry, it’s a Seinfeld reference… I watch too much TV.). Try and focus on other ways to make yourself happy. You can do it.
500 push ups? Man, that’s a lot.
And to those who are thinking of posting: do it! I had two semi-lucid dreams the night I wrote up a contract. It’ll work. Like someone else (who was it?) said, get yourself “pumped”!
BenDrummin58’s Contract With Mind
I, BenDrummin58, will have at least one LD a week. I will also remember most if not all of my dreams. And if this contract isn’t met, the following shal be my punishment:
[color=darkred]For every week I don’t have a LD:
I will take one cold shower. 5 weeks without LDs: 5 days of cold showers.
I will also prohibit myself from having any kind of sweets or junk food, until I have a LD if no LDs occur after one month [4 weeks].
Also if I don’t have a LD in the next month, I will prohibit myself from playing video games until my next LD.[/color]
Meh, this is just extreme PILD and RILD, as for me, it’s been PILD for a long time and yet no lucid dreams. I’m gonna try really hard now! ._.! Lol, dunno if I could keep up with this much longer ^^"