The Mind at Night

Did you know that in dream imagery printed letters almost always mutate and clock faces quiver? Or that studies show that the anatomy of dreaming is almost identical to schizophrenic psychosis–the difference being that dreamers hallucinate images, schizophrenics sounds? I didn’t. And that made The Mind at Night a damned compelling read. Award-winning science writer Rock packs a lot into a slim, potent 200 pages: from cocktail-ready factoids to clean, crsip explanations of brain chemistry. It lingers like a sublime night vision.

My mom just read me this review from a new book titled (you guessed it), The Mind at Night. It sounds like an interesting read so I thought I’d share this. It’s by Andrea Rock and costs roughly $26. “The new science of how and why we dream.” I guess I just love any book that is devoted to this cool phenomen. :content:

*Oh, and now I remember that I saw some mutating text shortly before I woke up. I was right on the skirts of being lucid but still not deep enough to manipulate my HI. Don’t you hate it when that happens?!