The most amazing sight of my life...

Hello everyone, I’d just like to tell you about the most beautiful thing in my life. It was in a LD.

I was in a house, I can’t remeber it too well, I think I was waiting for something, and that’s when I achieved lucidity. I noticed an open window and climbed out. I jumped to the ground. I was in a small town, the sort you’d expect to find in a very remote area of Spain or France. I walked down a road and eventually came to a clearing, and a cliff; Everywhere I looked was a beautiful very bright, starry night sky. That’s when it happened.

I looked to my right and… I can’t really describe what I saw. The best I can desribe it as is… I suppose a huge golden lens flare. But, the colour was nothing I’d ever seen before, and it was nothing like a lens flare. I stared at it and felt extremely emotional, not quite sure which emotion. It then gre much brighter and all I could see was white. Then I woke up.

It was the most amazing sight of my life.

I suppose that if I asked a question now, it would be, has anyone seen something amazingly beautiful in a dream, lucid or not?

Once I was sitting in a car on the top of a high hill overlooking a wide expanse of land. There was a small lake, a farm, a meadow. It was beautiful to me because I’m sick of overcowding. But I can picture better things while I’m awake. Not with my eyes closed like some people do. It’s as if my eyes and brain are projecting an image on the front of the inside of my brain. That’s where I see it. I know, none of that really made sense. Just thought I’d throw my 2 cents out there.

No… I do understand you.

Joe: read some near death experiences sometime. Many talk of encountering a similar entity.

I often spot amazing sights in my LD’s yes, but not quite exactly like the one you described. Though I guess the emotions would be kind of the same, like a super awe induced by this fantastic view.

Oh yes, all the time! Usually I see wonderful things in my normal dreams (my favourite was a frozen ocean under bursting star patterns!), and in my first lucid dream I also saw a gorgeous misty fern valley with colours sparkling through the air. :content:

I once had a normal dream a few years ago in which I looked out of my car window and saw three suns, they were all amazing colors like you get during sunset. Sadly I wasn’t lucid so I was only able to appreciate it once I woke up. That sight still amazes me whenever I think of it.

the most amazing sight i have seen was in my 3rd LD ever.
i was falling towards the sea during a really wonderful sunset :happy:

I often see lights in my LD’s. I am flying over the seas and I see a light in the distance - usually gold but sometimes silver - this is the queue for me to land and continue with an LD dream. I have noticed that colours and lights and far richer than in real life. It never ceases to amaze me. Just my two pence worth!

All of the top most beautiful things I’ve seen have been from lucid dreams. When you have one of those lucid dreams where details are realer than waking life, any emotion you have is intensified. I really related to your dream because I have had a few dreams in the past where I could swear upon waking that I saw colors I’ve never seen before, and experienced everything on a compeletely different level. Of course, it’s very hard to relate or to explain properly to others what exactly about the dream was so “beautiful” afterwards.

I had a normal dream the other day in which i was sitting in a moving car (not driving) while it was goin through the city. I looked out the window and saw a HUGE yellow, full moon. It was so big it took up most of my view, behind the buildings and things. I tried to yell out the window “HOLY SHIT!!! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE MOON!!!” but when i looked back, it was a normal size, cresent moon…i wish i was lucid…

i have never seen beautiful things in dreams. but you know what they say , beauty is in the eye of the beholder :cry:

maybe i should try seeing in my next LD