The New Astrology

Anyone here who knows something/wants to talk about western-eastern astrology, or, as Suzanne White, a famous author of astrological books, put it: “The New Astrology” ?

For those who don’t know: I’m talking about a combination like “I’m a Sagittarius/Cat” (which is true), a combination of two astrological systems which turned out to be surprisingly precise.

I don’t know anyone who worked with this combination and went back to focus on just twelve signs afterwards.

By the way: Any Aquarius/Rats here :peek: ?

Precise about what?

By the way, bull/dragon. Isn’t that awesome?

I’m an Aries/Rat over here.

Rawr rawr, feer mah feersum-ness of teh rat and teh ram!

I’m Sagittarius/horse. :content:

So I’m part horse and part human and part horse and I’m a human… :nuu: :nuu: :nuu:

I don’t think much of astrology, but I find it’s always quite fun!

I’m a Virgo/Monkey, Rawr.


It’s just comparing your Greek astrology, based on month born (Aries, Leo, Gemini, etc.), with your Chinese one, based on year born (Horse, Goat, Dragon, etc.) It allows for more variation and combination. It doesn’t make any sense that everyone born in year X will have the same personality traits, you know? :tongue:


well, it obviously does, 'cause the chinese were very wise people…, I think it works either way, to me it’s just a proof that astrology works, but there are A LOT of different systems and possibilities…

anyway, western-eastern is pretty cool

Does it?

The Celts were very wise people too. So let me add to my astrology profile:


Elder tree/Grove Beech/Hornbeam/Raven

So much for the equine pattern. :neutral:


well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about:

You can have a celtic, an indian or whatever horoscope and it’ll probably all make sense. If you considered all the existing systems of astrrology you would just have the same “sign” as all the people that were born exactly the moment you were (whether or not time exists is another topic), but, well, that’s a bit manic and scary.

I just wanted to say that eastern-western astrology works pretty well, but if there’s nobody here who thinks so, too… :neutral:

ive never heard of this but that would make me a capircorn/chicken

I’m a capricorn/horse.
Lovable, enthusiastic, independent, intelligent, creative, optimistic, strong, assertive, talkative, talented, cheerful, active, eloquent, refined, adventurous, versatile, playful, light-hearted, lively, free-spirit, original, quirky, eccentric, stamina, witty.

I get along with tigers, sheeps, and dogs.
