The potential of Lucid Dreaming

I feel that when i lucid dream, i just do goofy things. Yeah they’re fun, but there’s no real meaning besides entertainment. I read about how Lding can change your life and such but i don’t see how. What can you do in a LD that can change your life? These are some things that may have an impact:
1.Visit dead relatives
2. Re live and emotional moment
That’s all i know. What life-changing experiences can happen?

extra time to do stuff, such as write songs, poetry, anything. Your logic and way of thinking is different so you might get some very creative stuff.

Lucid Dreaming can be used for a lot more than just messing around with god powers!
Many people on this forum have used LDs as sources for artistic inspiration, recreating things they saw or heard in their dreams. You can practice skills in dreams as well. An example would be shrining yourself down and entering a giant human body, to help yourself study for a biology test.

The way that LDing has personally changed my life the most is that it has helped learn more about myself. With a lucid dream, you can literally enter inside your mind and see what’s there. An example of this might be summoning a council of your various emotions, who collaborate and come up with s olution to a problem you may have.You could also simply tell your mind to conjure up something random, and see what it is.

Yeah. I agree with Wyrmfell, again! :happy:

LDing can be much fun, but it could also inspire you in your hobbies like drawing, music etc.

It did inspire me.

After I started LDing, I noticed that my mind has gone to a whole new level. I could easily shape things in my mind and see them with more clarity and be able to draw them better.

It really worked. And I was really happy! I always thougtht that drawing a complicated object is hard, but I was wrong.

And I do music, too.

Many dreams. Their atmosphere, creates many songs of the same theme in my mind. It’s easy to just start playing a keyboard and doing those songs. :happy: I only need to think about the dream, and how I felt. It’s simple as that! :smile:

So yeah. LD s can change your life, in a good way!

The first thing I was told about LD’s is that the dream is what you want it to be; in other words it will be as meaningful or as silly as you make it; after all you are the one in control.

I haven’t been doing this long, but what I’ve noticed is this: for people who truly go for this and use it well, the dreams become as much a part of life as the everyday waking part of it. Its part of a lifestyle almost.

Just the little I’ve done, just by starting up my DJ has helped me keep my thoughts organized, get better at recording and writing not only my dreams but what goes on IRL. I’ve been learning about myself, and I thought I knew myself better than anyone! :content:

funny thing is, I’ve done all that without a true LD. (when I can actually control whatever happens) Once it actually starts to happen, however, I can very well imagine that mental discipline will be much stronger; you need it for that constant conscious control, after all. It takes discipline. Anyone can use that to become a better person, and that alone should be reason enough.

As for the impacting things that you may do, I don’t yet have the experience to tell. good luck though!

You can do a lot more. It explains in EWLD that you can actually practice a skill in a lucid dream. When you perfect that skill in a lucid dream it would carry out into real life. All you have to do is remember what you did in your lucid dream and do it in real life.

You shouldn’t go around expecting LDing to change your life, it is only you that can do that. LDing can be a tool though. The first thing I think of is facing your fears. This can really change your life significantly. You might not feel ready to face your fears in real life, but whe nyou’re safe in bed, it is easier to be brave. You can face your fears head on, and walk away a stronger person. You may still not be cured, but surely you will be more ready to face your fears in real life when you have already done so in a lucid dream. I think this is the most important way you can change your life using lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming can also show you things from a new perspective, and if you take it to heart you whole outlook on life may change. For one thing, without even having a lucid dream, you can realise that since everything is possible in a dream, you can have things you can’t have in real life. Even physical objects can be enjoyed in a dream, just as you would enjoy them IRL. So even if you get disappointed IRl you can make up for it in a dream. This realisation let’s you be more content with what you have. And that makes a difference in life.

And for the reasons people already have mentioned, lucid dreaming can perhaps help you in your career, especially with creative jobs.