The Saw Doctors

Anyone like these guys? I’ve seen them twice in concert, and I love them. They really remind me of what I consider “home,” which is Ireland. Even though I was born in Chicago and still live here, my father was an Irish immigrant that came here about 16 years ago. I’ve been to Ireland 12 times (yes, that is true) and since I’m not a big city person, and I have been forced by fate to live in a big city, I have never been more happy than when I’m in Ireland. Due to the economy I haven’t been able to go at all in the past two years, but the Saw Doctors keep refreshing the memories that I have to keep me happy in the seemingly endless loop of boring, steel walls and dirty streets that will be my place of residence for the next six or so years.

N17. You don’t what it’s like unless you’ve been there.