The stupid "ME" in the dream

Ive noticed, that your “me” in an ND is a little dumb. Here is an example:
in my ND, i walked down to the shops. i look in the sky, and what i see? a HUGE ship (aliens and UFO…my real nightmares). I started thinking: WTF…
Then, i go to my house, look at the paper and i say: Ohhh…i get it…“The INDEPENDENCE DAY” is at the TV tonight! Thats why the ship is there…
That was few years ago but today i think: what a idiot… :ack:
Anybody had dreams like that?

last night i fought a old guy using a ladder and a wrecking ball…i can’t believe i never wondered why.

Funnily enough I am pretty stupid in my dreams. Lately I have been having dreams where the characters are dropping really big hints that I’m dreaming… and I just look at them with this blank look on my face like saying ‘who cares?!!’. All this time I am looking for signs that I am dreaming (and then go lucid) and I seem to miss the most obvious ones!!

i ate furniture in one of my dreams and it tasted like fish. But i had to or else the super ninja babies would come after me. Im not making that up that is what one of my dreams was like.

Ive had dreams where I was talking to someone about the movie “Waking life” about how its a movie on lucid dreaming, and still didnt realize I was dreaming. So dont feel bad.

Being stupid in a ND is normal since some of your daily mental faculties are shut down for a while. Last night was a good one for me, i was walking around and all the country had flooded only where i was, was some dry patch… i didnt get the “hey this is a dream” hint this time though…

Yes I have a lot of dreams like that.
I dreamt last night that my Mum bought another cat which was yellow, pink and grey :tongue:

I almost never realise that I’m dreaming when strange things happen in dreams. Usually I realise that I’m dreaming if I’m just walking around or sitting and doing nothing. I guess that’s because then I have time to think about where I am :content:

I am the same… quite dumb while dreaming!

tonight I dreamed I was going down mountain, full of snow, really beautiful!

I am seating in the air and moving… really weird. Every time I flap with my feet I go up really easy. The only reason I didn’t go higher was because I thought that the laws of gravity would then stop me… but they didn’t. In the dream I was arguing with myself that this is not flying and that it is entirely normal to levitate a bit. I even didn’t interrogate myself while hitting tree branches… just slightly annoyed.

Missing this kind of dream signs… is unforgivable!

In an ND, I either don’t notice the weird stuff, or can apply a reason to it that seems logical at the time.

what i DO find odd in my ND’s (and can then recognise it as a dream) are:

  • more than one of the same person (like clones)
  • a girl having a dick (well, you would too, wouldn’t you?)
  • being able to breathe underwater (which feels nice BTW)

Ya I never realize it’s a dream unless i’m just sitting or walking around. Like last night i had a lusid dream. i was at my house and then I looked out the back yard of my house and Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb were there. i sat down and i was like “wait a minute this is a dream”! I then proseeded to do a reality check. I went to my computer looked at the time and it said 7:35 am, then i put my hand over it and took it off to find that it was 1:00 am!!!

Last night I had a dream and I was actually telling my friend about how I found a cool site that teaches you how to have Lucid Dreams but he didn’t believe so I was telling him about it for such a long time to get him to belive me and I didn’t clue in at all.
It’s weird how we can’t pick up the obvious symbols…

wow… precog. :eek:

Lol I dont think so, the scene in that dream was located in Belgium…

i had a dream where i fought a friend with sawhorses. it was just me and him, sawhorses and a white environment. maybe it’s because I’m a video game nut?

I had this one dream where little blue alien dolls were falling down from the sky…they looked like the blue man group people. Anyways…i look at one and asked if it was hungry, and it bit my finger off.

where the crap was my mind? lol. WAKE UP YOU DUMB!

lol bendrummin58, that made me laugh hehe…

So the question should be,
Can people know when they’re dreaming?

Why the heck don’t people know when they’re dreaming?

this happened to me too…

i had a dream where my friend took gas tank off the motrocycle and placed it on ground and started driving and i was like wtf, then i noticed gas tank on bike and i was oh, who cares…

I guess why people don’t know they’re dreaming is due to how they aren’t ‘aware’, like when you’re LDing. We go with whatever happens like IRL, but without awareness, this allows subconscious/whatever to make our decisions, which could have more than one layer of meaning.