The only difference between deck is really the looks… If it doesn’t have 78 cards, then it’s not properly a tarot. If you know how to use one, you can use any
I can a bit Tarot.
I uses the Rider Waite deck.
EDIT: I found a free black & white Tarot deck here.
It lookes like it is made out of cards from defrient other Tarot decks.
This is funny I’m pretty sure there was another tarot subject awhile ago but I can’t find it, so anyway I had this tarot reading and got the sun card and just assumed it meant a good ending or whatever but oops I was wrong it meant literally twins. Never would have suspected but since my day in the sun has yet to arrive and they are here it must have been them
i have the Shapeshifters tarot deck. i like it alot. it has 81 cards so i guess its not a “true” tarot deck. it has 3 added majors, The Double, The Journey, and The Dreamer. alot of the majors have been renamed and the suits all have a corresponding element attached to them. the court cards are different Celtic Deities and Heroes. i use it to help with dream interpretation. works like a charm
Has anyone here tried tarot spells? From what I read, tarot spells are ways to impregnate our subconscious mind with chosen messages so as to bring desired effects or manifestations into our physical universe. What do you guys think about it?
In my opinion, Tarot cards are a bunch of bull, but that’s just my opinion.I was out with my cousin and two of his friends took a Tarot Deck out (The Lovers One) and we did the thingy and I thought it was just nonsense. But yea… Please, don’t flame me. I am merely stating my opinion.
Why is it a bunch of bull? You did the thingy? They are just a tool, and what does a bad workman do? Think of them like dreams. Everyone will interpret them differently depending on their individual psychology, just like the inkblot test. The way you interpret them tells you something about yourself.
I’m going through the lessons on at the moment. I like it because they focus less on the meanings of the cards and more on the elements. Its fun to use them to interpret dreams, gets the imagination going.
I didn’t know what to think of them, really. Then I met someone who gave me a free reading on msn and it was so accurate that it got me intrigued… That’s when I decided to learn and try them for myself.
I use the Thoth, by the way. I tried other decks but they just won’t work for me. If someone’s looking for deck images, is an excellent ressource.
I find the tarot very fascinating, the imagery within the tarots are usually somewhat related. The interpretaion of the cards I still find hard, but I’m still learning. I use the Golden Tarot… I love using the tarot though becuase you really can explore and react to the images, and I’m good at that.
I was just about to make a Tarot topic…
Anyways i find it interesting,and if not real,at least entertaining…
Here’s the story:
A friend of mine got a Tarot Zen deck and he brought it at school…we observed it plenty of time and every time it seemed accurate to the right interpretation.
He could do it and i did it too once…
Involved feeling the energies flowing around the deck…
Ok well the source,i don’t know…
I DO believe it’s partially real,or more than partial…
Science has proven that our presence directly affects the enviroment.Science has also proven that most of our mind is covered by the SC.Well i believe that by somehow slightly exploring and unlocking the SC,through practice of spiritual arts,one can learn to amplify his emotions and thoughts so he affects the enviroment even more,the enviroment,an object or a living being…
Channeling your energies into the deck must result in an energetic flowing feeling that may indicate the right cards.
Either that or the “creator/s” of these cards must have layed a secret ancient psychological technique that allows each card to relate to the interpretable future/past actions of a certain individual you may have even slight knowledge about…Knowledge gained by other techniques,like reading auras and feeling the atmosphere the certain person generates around him,or even by looking into his eyes(as a complete stranger)…But if you know him,it’s probably going to seem more accurate.
/me has a de Marseilles and a Rider Waite Smith with which he’s familiar; just acquired a crowleyan Book of Thoth with the deck to go with; and is dying to buy the Transparent tarot.
The tarot goes beyond fortune telling, first into the realms of divination (meaning you can use it to talk about present and past as well as future), and from there into the realms of communication. I personally use the tarot to communicate with my subconscious, and it works wonders. It’s also a good tool for writing fiction.
Ever since it was invented, and up to the work of Eliphas Lévi, the tarot used to be refered to as a “book”. Sometimes people would give it a nice (if bogus) history of being the only surviving book from the library of Alexandria (actually the tarot was invented somewhere between France, Italy and Austria, following a Chinese and Arabic model of illustrated cards with social archetypes). To refer to it as a book would imply a further assertion, in my opinion: it is the best, most mindblowing book one could ever read, because within its age-old pictures and somewhere in an obscure spread, it has every single story, and every single philosophy, the human mind can fathom.
Rodrigo, não cometa erros! Cash in some money and invest in a good Tarot de Marseilles deck, a Rider Waite Smith if your feeling anglo, or a Thoth tarot. Sampa has all those antique bookstores all over the place, and thanks to the good spiritist people, every antique bookstore in town has a not-too-shabby occult section somewhere. r$5 to r$20 and you’ve got yourself a quality tarot, quite possibly with symbological dictionary from which you can start your study.
I like this deck. It takes some weight off the shoulders of the major arcana by adding three more symbolical functions. It’s excessively initiatic in nature, having renamed all the major arcana accordingly; but thanks to the work of Oswald Wirth, this shouldn’t pose a problem to anyone trying to read it. I have a couple of ruses with it, in particular rebranding the Tower as Serpent (a smart move, as it keeps the element of hubris intact, but at the cost of bringing the cart much too close to the symbology already posed by the Moon, the Devil and the Double).
Doing tarot magick usually doesn’t imply spells. In learning how to read the cards, it’s often useful to invoke, dedicate and sometimes even evoke the cards (a great dreaming project I could offer the more dedicated members of the forum would be to do dream tarot invocation). Now, the cards might as well be used in glamours: they can be used foremost as a tree-of-life of sorts, providing a symbological background from which to draw energies and design your working. They can be used in association as a means to empower servitors and spells. But I think their most obscure and possibly most interesting use would be in waking-life evocation, to do a working for you. I have absolutely no idea how I would go about evoking a tarot card. It would be a very fun working to do.