the wave

yer umm couldnt think where else to put it so here it goes

last night had a dreamer where i hit a picture of my mate that we were aiming for with a blue plastic object that was on a rubber cord.a any way. when i hit the picture with it. the blue thing fuzzed with the picutre and then a deep sound like vrooooommm or boooomm sorta a deep rumble thing emited. i know they both sound like cars but it didnt sound any thing like a car :razz:

any way so this sound goes off and this wave of engery ripples our from the picture and i watch it. it just rolls over the dream and passes through everything.

Any of you remember that really old crap screen saver that used to distort you screen like a wave.

any way, it was cool and it felt really weird but looked even better. might try surf it next time. any one else had any thing like that???

No i cant say that i have, but it sure does sound like an interesting experience ^_~ Thkx 4 sharing :smile: