
Hey all.

I was just wondering if anyone here had come across this movement; It seems to encompass a lot of the stuff of Eastern Philosophy and indeed LDing and Astral Projection.

It seemed strange to me, That when I asked my Philosophy teacher at school, He had never heard of it, But from what I can see it seems to be a very sound and intresting way of looking at things.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you : )


Sounds like a lot of the stuff we talk about here, both in the cloud and in the beyond dreaming forums :yes:

I’ve never actually heard of it being called ‘theosophy’ before though. It seems a bit strange, since a lot of philosophy involves discussing different theologies anyway.

Yeah, Well the thought behind some of the ideals is pretty similar to Plotinus and his Neo-Platonic thought. Theistic Monism and all that - It all corresponds pretty well to the Buddhist and Hindu Cosmology and the belief in astral, mental, buddhic, and adi planes.

It would be one thing to be able to AP regulaly, But project into the mental plane o.0?

Well you see, I believe AP and all that are simply in the mind. I don’t believe there is an actual astral world, but this is a debate best saved for the Beyond Dreaming forum :smile:

I will say that they are interesting states of mind, however, and those experiences, real or not, obviously can have positive effects for the astral traveller, lucid dreamer, etc. The real rhetorical philosophical question is, do you really mind if the experiences are not real if they make you happy, or does the fact that they may not be real mean you shouldn’t interperet them as beneficial?

But then, Can one expect results to be as valuable from an illusion? Surely the notion of reality, will only allow for greater result from something like AP?

Of course theres the whole issue of Clairvoyance and all the rest of it that some claim to take from the Astral. But perhaps this is the wrong forum for that ; )

AFAIK Theosophy was (is?!) a bit of a mish-mash of Eastern religion stuff, basically based on poor translations of some Buddhist/Hindu etc scriptures. The founder was Madame Blavatsky who claimed to be in touch with some religous masters who lived in inaccessible places in the Himalayas; I think they visited each other via AP.