Things that you are afraid of..appears in your LD?

A friend of mine, who is a natural LD-er, told me a couple a things he have experienced over time.

One thing he said, was that all the things that you are afraid of, will appear in your LD. :hmmm:
This may sound stupid, but does this makes any sence?
I mean, say you are afraid to spiders or ghosts or anything, is it 100% sure that this will appear in a LD if you really believe it?

Well, I’ve never dreamt yet a LD, though I’ve been trying really hard some nights concentrading on LD tecniques, writing down DJ’s etc.
I have a great interest in LD so I will keep trying and trying. :smile:

Thanks in advance.

Expectations rule and that is especially true in dreams. If you believe this to be so than most likely it will happen but personally I don’t have lucid dreams full of everything I’m afraid of. If anything, my fears come out more often during non-lucid dreaming. Your lucid dreams can be anything at all. It’s really up to you. Keep in mind everyone has very different experiences and that your friends experiences will be nothing like your own.

Good luck to you.

I have had a few scary incidents in my LD’s, but the good thing is that you can wake yourself up since you know your dreaming. If you get into that situation just scream, “wake up now!”. Or if you get really good, then you can just scream something like, “your not real”. Remember, you control the LD, it does not control you. (most of the time :wink:)

if something scary comes into your LD, just deal with whatever it is. it’s a lucid dream so you can control what happens to it. :smile:

You have to remember that dreams are created by your subconscious and thus anything could come into your dreams.

When you LD you are consciously aware, but the overall dream is still being created by the subconscious. You can of course take control and all that stuff but your subconscious may still throw these things at you as it would a ND, So if you think it can happen it’s more likely to. IN the dream world, placebo really does rule.

In my case I don’t really have anything scary in an LD unless I create them.

I do not think it sounds stupid at all. If you believe your fears will show up in your LD, then there is a big chance they will. The thing is that dreams are very influenced by your expectations and this works both for good and bad. If you on the other hand are sure nothing fearful will show up, then it is a good chance that it wont happen, so positive thinking will help alot here.

I used to have a problem in the beginning with evil pets coming for me often after i realized i was dreaming… Example: I just realized i was dreaming and then think this to myself “i hope there wont be a dog coming for me now that i am lucid again” and sure enough, there comes a furious dog just moments later…

But now lately it has been the opposite way… if i turn lucid in a nightmare, then i can easily change it all into something good.

So it basically based on a persons confidence, that she/he actually knows nothing is going to show up and/or harm you in any way, right?

I get it now, thanks all!

As for me, I find that Gameover’s answer: ‘Keep in mind everyone has very different experiences and that your friends experiences will be nothing like your own’ is very good. I don’t feel I can add a lot to what has been already answered. I remember that some LD’ers here were spider phobic, but they didn’t have LD’s with spiders (unless they voluntarily tried in LD’s to make spiders appear in the hope they’ll be relieved of their phobia). So that saying that it’s 100% sure that what you’re afraid of will appear in LD’s is wrong. And if you read the DJ’s, you’ll find that there are rather few scary LD’s.


It’s always fun to read DJ’s,
I’ll read more of them right away.