Hi I use my subconscious alot to help me in my quest for lucididty…and I’ve been close a pretty few times. Well yesterday was another time…I was sleeping and during my dream my subconcsious piped in and said “Hey you’re supposed to be lucid dreaming!” and I cursed and carried on with the dream.
What’s up with that? I should’ve realized I was dreaming…this happened quite a few time already and its getting frustrating really!
The power is within you. You just have to find it.
You’re lucky, because you actually are able to at least program your subconcious to tell you that you are dreaming. And now it’s up to you to become lucid. That is the tough part. I have a very low awareness in my dreams as well and have lately been able to have the tiniest piece of awareness / lucidity in my dream. I guess you can train that by doing more reality checks during the day, making the statements that you tell your subconscious (while awake) clearer, reading more about lucid dreaming, thinking about it. Maybe it just has something to do with time and patience.