when i am lying in my bed doing WILD i wait and wait and wait and i feel nothing no images no feelings no nothing i used to feel like my limbs were detached but that was it now i dont even feel anything what should i do i constantly wait and wait but in does not work
Are you doing this is the evening (you know - when you first go to bed)?
Cos it’s very hard to do WILD then. It’s best to do it along with WBTB.
- Wake up in the night after about 5-6 hours of sleep (you can either use an alarm clock, or ‘set’ your internal body clock).
- Get out of bed, and walk backwards and forwards for a couple of seconds.
- Then go straight back to bed and do WILD.
what if i am really tired will it work then like if i am so tired i am about to fall asleep
That should work too…
I remember reading on here that a good time to try it, is when you’re falling asleep watching a movie.
i do that a lot
but how do i know if i am in the hypnagogic state or just not because i lay in bed for like an hour but nothing happens
Now that I think about it, the last lucid dream I had was after falling asleep to the Matrix (ironic, no?)
If you feel your limbs are detached, in my opinion you’re already in the hypnagogic state. You should try once or twice the trick Sureal gave you. Perhaps with WBTB, it will be easier and you’ll find a good method to enter a dream from this state.
As I said it to you before, when you’re in this state, you should try to feel you’re falling and falling into your bed; or try to induce a small rolling - or rocking - movement. It could give good results.