This is really weird.

I was reading posts on &Totse and I cam across a link to this site in a post about this really weird dream a guy had…I clicked the link purely out of curiosity and when I started reading the guide, and a few of the posts, I realized that “lucid dreaming” is something that I’ve been doing for a very long time, and just sort of took it for granted, and I never told anyone for fear of being thought of as that creepy kid who thinks he does magic or w/e. I realize it’s not magic, but still.

I’ve always been able to get to the sage where you’re not quite dreaming, but it’s like you aren’t really connected to your body (please excuse me for not knowing the term). Although not quite as regularly, I can often have lucid dreams, and all I ever did was control my breathing.

Sorry for the long post…It won’t be much longer, I promise :razz:

After I spent a bunch of time reading stuff on this site, I did what I usually do, and I had two lucid dreams last night. The first was right after I went to bed, and I cooked myself a grilled cheese sandwich. Then I woke up before I could eat it (but it was a “lucid dream”, because I made sure I made the sandwich exactly the way I like it, with sliced tomatoes and banana peppers on it, I think :eh: ). The second one, I was with like 5 people in my room, and we were all partying and having a good ole’ time.

If I really am lucid dreaming, I think I’m going to be spending a lot of time on this website. Cheers, and sorry about the length of my post…I like to rant.

awesome dudde.

^_^. Lucky basta**

Don’t worry, keep up.

Don’t think it’s about luck, you can do it again over and over :content: .

Sorry to be negative, but this doesn’t sound like a lucid dream. I know you said you checked up on your stuff, but did you realise that a lucid dream is not about doing the stuff you want, it’s about knowing you are dreaming.
From knowing you are dreaming, you can progress onwards to controling your dreams.
I apologise agian for sounding negative, especially as I have the above posts to be compared to.

Next time remember that you don’t have to make a sandwitch manually.

Hi Metaltoon, wlecome to the forum! :wave:

What you describe is perhaps the hypnagogic state. When you fall asleep, there is a state when some people feel they’re floating or something like that.
Do you enter a dream from this state ? If so, do you know or remember it’s a dream ?

Lol! :happy: You make me hungry.

But I don’t think it’s the actual definition of a lucid dream. :wink: A LD is a dream in which you know you’re dreaming. Now you have perhaps conscious dreams (dreams in which you don’t know you’re asleep, but your consciousness is quite the same than IRL) or controlled dream (you don’t know that you’re dreaming neither, but you have free-will and can focus on things and modify them). Conscious dreams and controlled dreams are not so far from lucid dreams, but they aren’t exactly lucid dreams.

Bannana peppers are great but…wow, not like that